As soon as I typed the title I was immediately drawn to filling in 2007 going back to correct the year, it should obviously be 2007 not 2008 right? Nope!
I woke up this morning with the intention of writing this post about the things I am grateful for in 2007, however before I got to that part of my day I read an article about Scripting. I love receiving exactly what I need to support my intention, Synchronicity is such a gift! Thanks Universe!
Scripting is dialogue in the present tense and expressing the words and feeling them NOW. It is the verbal extension of what I’m doing with my LOA weight loss, and by the way what a great feeling getting up this morning (see A Weighty issue)! So scripting is talking out loud about things in the present tense (that you want to have happen). What a brilliant tool to add to my vibration!
Immediately I recalled another tool that many years ago I was introduced to called, “Mirror work”, the process of speaking affirmations into a mirror and holding your hand gently over your throat, to feel the words, and repeating the affirmation until you no longer resisted it and believed it! This proved to be a very emotional and powerful process.
So to the bathroom for privacy I went and this is a couple affirmations I shared with myself and the Universe.
I am so Grateful NOW that I am at my most perfect and healthy body weight.
I am so Grateful NOW that my body is strong, healthy and flexible.
This is big stuff for me, and I can hardly type I’m so excited! On my recent birthday I had a couple hours to myself and I spent it cutting out pictures to make a vision board. The next day I read an article about how sometimes our goals can seem more like a dangling carrot to the donkey rather than a motivator. If those things are always in the future is it possible that some may keep them there rather than making them present? If they are always in the future, which is contrary to me when I’m Ms. Instant Gratification how will I know once I get there? Therefore this is the most perfect and benevolent gift/tool for me.
What can you be Grateful for NOW, remember FEEL what that feels like to have it NOW. You may have to roll your eyes a few times to get passed the potential irony but why NOT? Better question WHY NOT NOW?
So rather than Happy New Year! I wish you Happy New NOW!
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