
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yang Earth and Fire; Yin Wood, Metal and Water

Yang Earth and Fire; Yin Wood, Metal and Water Observations.
This is in response to a reader's quiz submission.
Thank you!

Earth is your Yang Element, what you show on the outside.
Fire is the compliment Yang Element, supporting your creation of Earth.
Your Internal Yin elements are Metal, Water and Wood.

Strong Earth indicates that you are practical, stable, grounded in the here and now.  While the assessment total in relation to the other elements may suggest that you may have and to take on too much responsibility, feelings of getting stuck, not moving forward, rather a feeling of being anchored or weighed down.

In the I Ching; Earth is the Element associated with the Love & Relationship area of the Bagua.

Known as the receptive; being able to take something in.  The receptive Earth.
Keyword is Devotion; between love partners and within self.

In order to balance out the dominance of Earth, I invite you to add Wood.  Wood consumes Earth.
Wood is intuition, knowledge, inspiration, active, awake & alert.  It embodies openmindness, ability to trust, ability to accept guidance, to take reasonable risks, to try new activities.
Too little wood can keep us “small” or not branching out.

Health & Family’s element is Wood.  The I Ching associates: arousing, thunder & shock.  The best reaction to shock is laughter; Despite being shocked by a thunderclap life goes on.  Shock is a movement to transformation.
What can or is stimulating transformation in your life? 
What seeds can you plant and nurture in Health – Body, Mind, Spirit?
What can you “unearth” about your relationships; to self and to others?
Is there a new way at looking at your relationships?
What can you cultivate in your life?

Highlight with Metal & Water
Metal is the mental and intellectual.  It is the element of both strength and endurance; as well it can be made malleable. 
Metal is excavated from Earth.  To little metal can be procrastination, avoidance, forgetting.  I invite you to consider releasing some of the Earth’s burden of responsibilities to lighten the anchor. 
What area of your life are you holding on to things that others may help support you?
What could you delegate?
Water is the source of life, it is the tapping into the soul, spirit, trusting in the flow of life.  This could be an invitation to “dive” into something. To feel more fluid, to nourish growth.

An Affirmation for you…

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