
Friday, November 1, 2013

Emotional Richter Scale - Choosing Forgiveness

I’m curious if anyone had the image of me (or of yourself) grabbing your High School yearbook, a photo album, or address book and flipping through it as if you were looking at mug shots on a television cop show.  You know, turning page after page trying to pick out the perp who did the crime so they could do the time.  

Credit:  Reposted from Facebook from Project Forgive

That was not the case.  I didn’t have to look into the archives, browse facebook or any other place to find who I needed to forgive.  I only had to look in the mirror.

Yes, my list of who I needed to forgive included only one person, and that person is ME.

When I really sat and let the idea of choosing forgiveness sink in, I admit that a few people came to mind that I would benefit from letting go; however I kept coming back to the common denominator and I was it.

It became abundantly clear that if someone in my life and ecosystem had done or said something that was hurtful, fearful or angry that I reacted to, they were responsible for the words or actions; however I am wholly responsible for holding onto the feelings of those words or actions elicited in me.

I am the one who created a space in which to hold onto that moment, that comment, that whatever.  Therefore the person I most need to forgive is me.

As for my list of “what’s” and the feelings associated; now that list is the opposite of short.

That list includes beliefs, doubts, fears, shame, annoyances, and a number of “shoulds,” that others may have provided the seed for, assisted or supported me in creating, but again, I am the one responsible for allowing them to take root and take up space.

Day Two:  Emotional Richter Scale

I’ve decided to take my list and allocate on a scale of 10 where my feelings are vibrating at.

My intention is to get to Neutral which in this case is 0.

The scale of 1-10 is varying degrees of attachment to the emotion, and my personality draws me to starting to work with the double digits; however I’m choosing a more gentle approach.

I’m going to allow myself to sit with my list and associate my Richter Scale Values and create a foundation from which I will move forward from for the balance of the month.

Releasing the Clench and Sending myself (and all) Lovingkindness…