
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Building my Bagua for 2014

Not much has inspired me in the last number of weeks.  My choosing to dedicate the month of November to Forgiveness put me into an internal, mental and emotional tailspin.  (More about that to come once I've sifted and worked through the wreckage).

While browsing online I read the blog post "What's your Power Word for 2014" coupled with having met the author, Nicole Cody, back in December, poof I'm energized to sit and write this post.  She has a way about her that does that in person and online.  So I'm grateful.

Her Power Word exercise inspired me to take the word I chose through the Bagua.

I jotted, scribbled, paused and pondered this list in my journal:


I even included Grounded = Control; and Strong as Flexible.

Last year I would say my theme would have been Grounded, which morphed into Control; which contributed to my inflexibility and made me stuck.

Fire is a dominant element in my life, and I spent a lot of 2013 on fire, being fired up and breathing fire.  In order to control Fire, one needs to bring in water and that element was present, however it was not in a position to manage my flames.  

Earlier this week I spent time with my new deck of cards, called Inquiry Cards and have been sitting with the question I drew...

This question that I have let soak into me over the last couple days, and now being motivated to choose my power word I have chosen Fluidity and or simply Fluid.

Fluid is defined on as:

I lacked bounce in 2013 and choosing fluidity as my center does not mean that I will be "wishy washy", rather I'd like to think of being in motion like seaweed.

Seaweed-like movements are a metaphor used to describe and teach the movements in Gyrotonics and while snorkeling in Sydney last week I was able to observe the copious amounts of seaweed doing their dance in the ebb and flow of their ocean environment.  Love the synchronicities!

When I took the word Fluid around the Bagua to see if it suited the supporting areas I kept these queries in my mind.

How would it feel to be more Fluid ...

  • when Reflecting (blue) on my life?
  • when Nurturing (green) myself and others?
  • when Expressing or Receiving Gratitude (purple)?
  • when Connecting with my Community (red)?
  • in my relationship with Love (pink)?
  • when expressing and feeling Joy (cream)?
  • in the Spirit (grey) of helping others or asking for help myself?
I answered It would feel Good, to be more Fluid, in all areas of my life.  It would be the easier way. 

Going forward my decisions and experiences will have that query as well.  
"Does doing _______ support my being and feeling fluid?"
"Does _______ support my being and feeling fluid?" 
"What if I did/tried/stopped ________would that support my being and feeling fluid?"

I've also asked myself why choose the word Fluidity over Flexible?  

In my opinion, Fluidity feels different when spoken and its less common than the word flexible; it conjures up that seaweed moving to the waves vibeage while having a connection to being grounded, whereas flexible conjures up bending to the point of snapping.

One last note, I know what flexibility is and feels like, in my body and in life. I also think that I can contribute strides in moving forward in my life by not only being flexible but fluid.  Therefore I can Reflect on what that felt like and choose to invite that back into my life onward.

What word, quality or essence are you inviting into your bagua or life in 2014? Whatever it is, may your choices, experiences and motivations support and energize you in 2014 in all ways and always!