
Monday, May 19, 2008

What Book is it or was it for you?

I just read a blog this morning that broached the subject of "Which of the current hot books out there, that are meant to inspire self cultivation and knowledge, should a person work with?" Books by Ekhart Tolle, Jerry & Esther Hicks, Byron Katie and The Secret were the ones referred to and how there are differences in their approaches to the manifestation of your best life yet they may be confusing as they are similar but very unique.

So which of those and the many other authors out there inviting you to embrace and live your dreams do you follow? Is it a mish mash of many techniques or is there one that makes you say, “This is it, I get it, I can do this!”

By far the book with the most awareness is A New Earth by Ekhart Tolle with the diligence of Oprah. I have to say that the book was okay but for me at times boring, wanting him to get to the point and it has been sitting on my shelf with maybe 30 pages left and I can’t bring myself to finish. I didn’t do the online class, couldn’t get connected, I watched the shows where people had these light bulb moments on page such and such, so I would grab the book re-read the section and shrug my shoulders and think, I’ve got nothin’! I disagree with what Oprah said repeatedly that this book will be the one to transform your life…”if you are ready to receive it”.

Hmmm so it took me some time to work through that comment since I wasn’t having these light bulb moments so am I not ready to “receive it”? Admittedly I took that as a challenge to forge through and came upon a page that I interpreted that what I was already doing meant I was living the New Earth. Did I need to press through the book in order to know that, probably not but I did and well if I never read those 30 pages I’m good with that.

Esther & Jerry Hicks were highly acclaimed for their book, Ask and it is Given, Esther was also featured in the original release of The Secret. I opted to buy the book “The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent”, and could not get into it. Again for me it was written in such a style that never seemed to get to the point, repetition is a means of retaining information and yet I was struck with being annoyed that they it was like walking on a treadmill, not actually getting anywhere.

Byron Katie has a fascinating book, “Loving What Is”. I’ve skimmed it and have used her tools with success. She has an amazing story of triumph and how this information came to be and has undoubtedly moved many people forward with her approach.

As for The Secret, I think this is the most brilliant way to make people aware of their own power and that which is bigger than them. The marketing, the packaging, the style and the delivery is stellar. I love to tell people about the movie and have shared my copy with many. Is it the be all and end all? No I wouldn’t say that. However it may very well be the beginning of something for many that may encourage them to delve deeper or it may be their “thing”. For me it wasn’t new information but the means in which it was communicated and their interpretation of the info that prompted a renewed energy in the process for me.

When you get a recommendation from someone about a product or service or whatever, there is a 50/50 chance that it’s not going to be the same for you as it was them. At the end of the day what works for me, may very well not work for you, or may work for you far better than it ever worked for me. I am always willing to share what I know or my resources, however, I have included in my recommendation with all things, “Take what you want and leave the rest.”

The question was posed at the end of that blog this morning was, “What book would you want with you on a deserted island?” Based on Knowledge & Self Cultivation my choice would be: “You Can Heal Your Life.” By Louise L. Hay.

Enjoy Your Day!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Fish out of Water

This morning the family cat, named Cookie, discovered where we had relocated our beta fish, not a good way to start the day. My eldest really wants a dog, (I do not therefore we are not getting one), settled on Saturday with the idea of keeping the fish. Sure, I bet the cat will spend less time on top of the piano now.

So as I transferred the fish to a fresh small glass container, she carefully added the colored stones, shells and a sizeable faux diamond. Down to the computer she went and printed off a sea background and named the fish “Bubbles”. Despite the beta diet of a small pinch of flakes every couple days she found the move must have gotten his appetite going so even without the cat she may feed him to death instead.

Everyone was moving slower than normal this morning, and with heavy feet my eldest was off to her room to get dressed for the day. Shrieks, screams and a waterfall of tears followed moments after she left the kitchen as the cat had managed to dump the fish out of its new home and onto her bed.

I ran to the room to find her freaking out and the fish laying on the bed. She began to holler how she hated the cat and how we should get rid of the cat for killing the fish. Off to the kitchen to get another container with water so I could scoop the fish up and see if it was still alive. Sure enough it was. But my daughter wanted the cat to HANG!

Fish happy to be back in water, she continued the scene as I began to strip the bed and clean up the mess.

“I Hate Cookie!, Don’t you Hate Cookie for killing the fish?”

“Well the fish isn’t dead its just fine, it is certainly shocked, but its alive and well in the bowl.”

“I Hate the Cat, I never want to see the cat again!”

I shared with her that, “No I didn’t hate the cat, (not its biggest fan at the present moment), but I did hate that the cat created this mess.” She stopped for a moment. And before she could continue on her rage and keep her focus on the fact that the cat had murdered the fish, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary I repeated what I said.

This isn’t a Looney Tunes cartoon episode where the cat is the villain and actively is conniving ways to capture a bird, or in this case a fish. Yes I’m not at all impressed that the cat didn’t just go into the bedroom and sleep the day away as she normally does. I’m not at all pleased that I have to strip the bed, get a fan, mop up the mattress, I’ve got lunches half made, kids need to brush teeth and put socks on, bags need checking and double checking yada yada…you see where this is going. But amid the chaos I still didn’t hate the cat.

Hmmm…There is a fundamental difference being hating someone/something versus hating what that someone/something has done. The grace is being to see that grey area or fine line in order to divide the emotion.

In that moment I saw the grey, and that line helped to split the overriding emotions around the situation and that of my daughters’.

Its easy to get caught up in the moment and emotion. How many times have you been able to look back at a time, moment or person/place/situation and see the grey well after the fact. The grey is always there but it just takes us to be present and look for it so we can move through with grace.

Phew! Good Recover and an even better Present!


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


If you haven’t already seen these commercials promoting being power smart they are brilliant! Here are the links from You Tube: BC Hydro: Lights Off; BC Hydro: Cell Phone; BC Hydro: Laptop .

All of the commercials are focused around being Power smart, shutting off lights; unplugging the cell phone charger and laptop cord. When the person in the commercial does this there is a group of people who are dressed “football fan” style and they cheer, hoot, holler, & high five when the lights are turned off and or cord unplugged. Not only does the person in the commercial have a cheering squad for doing well for the environment but they get cheered for doing something so commonplace.

Imagine doing what you do and having someone giving you a big “Hurray!” for doing things like:
· Folding the laundry & buying the groceries
· Finding that illusive mate to a sock
· Fill in your own blank

In the course of the day the novelty of having a squad "Hurray-ing" you at every turn would undoubtedly wear off rather quickly. And as my points are directed to the Mom Job description there are more times than not when what you do is taken for granted.

I’ve got a “rental” child for 3 weeks. Friends went off to Africa and without hesitation I agreed many months ago to take their 9 year old daughter. My eldest and her are in the same class, are friends in and out of school; and my youngest is thrilled to have another “big sister”.

This has all been very exciting getting our home ready to receive her. Moving things in and around; creating a space for her and her things; creating space in our schedules to accommodate her commitments; buying groceries after getting the low down on her likes and dislikes and generally preparing for her to blend into our ecosystem with as few bumps as possible.
Even though she has only been here since Monday I have to say she’s adapted quite nicely and I must say I’m lovin’ the fanfare, sans the football gear.

Yes, the compliments have been flying about the French Toast at breakfast, last night’s spaghetti supper was a big hit and I enlisted them to make an apple crisp that she has absolutely fawned over. Even telling me again this morning how good it was and couldn’t wait to have another helping after school.

Wow is all I can say. I haven’t changed anything that I normally do, well okay I’ve made a couple desserts in the last week that has had my own family wondering what’s going on with me, but as a general rule I’m not Food TV-ing it just the same ole same ole.

However, I must admit that the compliments are working for me. They have reminded me that sometimes doing what you do may feel at times routine and therefore not “Hurray” worthy but when someone does acknowledge what you too may take for granted it certainly shifts the energy, your own and that of the ecosystem.

So here is my “Hurray” to receiving gratitude; and my intention is to pay it forward! May you choose to do the same!

So from Me to You...“Hurray! Whoo Hoo! Great Job! High Five! Thanks!"

Monday, March 17, 2008

Going with the Flow

Listening, watching and being within the ocean during my vacation reminded me of the environment’s physical ability to compliment itself with change. As well as at home, the cold harshness of winter is letting go to the gentle renewal of spring. Everything has its own rhythm.

I really enjoy going into the ocean and floating, rolling with the water as it crests and just letting my body be moved and supported by the water. Someone nearby was trying to do the same and asked me how I was able to keep my toes out of the water while doing so? From a physical standpoint I explained that I was keeping my body lifted towards the top of the water and then just breathing and floating. No real technique, just “going with the flow”.

I watched as they forced their feet to the surface but kept their backside closer to the bottom so when the water would rise they would get a face full rather than floating atop as a leaf would. It appeared that they were working against the water, trying to control the movement and working to keep afloat rather than “just going with the flow”.

Working with your current momentum of your life can be challenging. Perhaps you are in a low tide place where things are seemingly moving at a slower pace; allowing your mind and body to be in restoration in order to prepare for the high energy of high tide.

I love my high tide; when I’m going and doing, connecting and building, riding the wave! However there can be times when while on the move I look forward to the ebb. Contrarily there are times when I less than love the low tide and am working vigorously towards getting back in the flow; but am beginning to understand and appreciate the benefits of this balance.

Just as the lesson of floating in the ocean; it is distracting to think about the ebb while in the flow and vice versa. Being present can be the largest lesson to learn and a most valuable habit to cultivate. The Yin/Yang symbol shows us the balance of light & dark and is constantly moving in synchronicity. And just as our physical environment teaches us that surely spring follows winter; low tide follows high tide; and day will turn to night; we sometimes have to let go of our idea of control and trust that the pattern is working synchronistic ally in our lives even though it may not be readily apparent.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Vacation Mode

When is the last time you took a vacation? I mean the kind where you are not travelling to go to a conference, wedding, family event, or any other occasion but simply going away from your home to vacate your work, your routine and your space?

For me it has been to many years to admit to and I recently returned from a glorious week on the island of Maui. I have been fortunate in my life to spend some quality time there however this was a first trip for my husband and kids and our first collective trip together to the beach.

Prior to vacating the premises I frantically buzzed in my life to get things done before our departure. Roaring through the house to clean it, doing laundry, and washing linens. Packing up the luggage for myself and the kids, fussing about which books I haven’t read and trying to pick which ones I would take (note I said take & not read). Anxious to make sure that all consults, classes or appointments had been confirmed for my return, email inbox managed, phone calls returned etc etc. However I had planned to take my laptop so that even though I was on vacation I would still be accessible by email and really this would keep one foot on the beach but still have one foot at home. Hmmm a bit contrary isn’t it.

Truth be told, I had forgotten what it was like to really vacate, to abandon my personal routine of coffee & inbox. And even though my intention was to just “be” and go with the flow, I really didn’t have a clear vision of what that would be like. But the environment reminded me quickly brought me present and all I wanted to be was with 2 feet on the beach.

On Day 2 I got connected so I could send out my email blast for my upcoming classes, I decided 15 minutes tops. You know skim read the inbox, send out the email which I had begun to create prior to leaving and poof press send and grab a towel and go.

Day 3 I thought okay just another 15 minutes on the computer as I had difficulty updating my webpage with the class information and the family was moving slowly that morning so I could safely step out of the vacation mode momentarily.

Aha not such the case…in my haste I neglected to provide the most fundamental information and my inbox was flooded with questions like, “I’d love to take the class, when is it being held?”, “I didn’t see a time or date for your classes I’d like to register…” and many variations on the same. It was in that moment as I began to frantically reply that I realized that I had not committed to truly vacating. In fact I thought that I would be successful in being in both places at the same time but my heart, my mind and my body wanted to be at the beach.

After replying to the emails, resending my blast and apologizing for the error, I shut down the computer and put it away in the suitcase only to be brought out to download the pictures off of the camera. This decision was easy, it allowed me to be present, and I chose not to think of what my inbox represents and rather decided to firmly plant both feet! Aloha

Friday, February 1, 2008

Color Please!

The palette of colors outside my window presently are pretty blah! Snow and brown trees for as far as the eye can see. The weather this past week can be best described as brutal! On Sunday January 27th, it was +8 degrees Celcius; the next day the temps dropped to -37; we’ve endured wind chills that feel like -52; and the blizzards in addition to the cold has made travelling, even short distances, precarious at best. White is the color associated with the Element of Metal. When we have too much white there may be too much thinking and not enough doing. So add some Red to your day.

Red is home with the element of Fire; buy yourself some red carnations; with Valentines approaching put Red roses on your wish list. Red can also be added to your wardrobe, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be seen! Red aids in communication; too much red may be aggressive while not enough can leave you cold.

Yellow and earthtones go with Earth; not only does yellow stimulate energy when seen visually but it helps to control the Black & Dark colors of winter. Too much earth can make you feel stuck, while too little may make you feel disconnected.

Winter is associated with the Element of Water; and is found in the shortened days and our wardrobe choices. Adding a punch of color to your wardrobe may help to perk up your energy to get through the days. Too much water can be described as being “wishy washy; while not enough water can make you indecisive.

Greens & Blues are Wood Element colors; Wood is intuition and upward movement and also is a great way to control the earth element and feeds fire! Too much wood can equal impatience or irritation; and too little equals the inability to move forward.

It’s hard to fathom that in a few weeks this cold winter will be becoming a memory as we start to see the transition to spring. In the interim, bring color into your space and use it as a tool to fuel your energy!

Off to the florist I go!

With Grateful Ch’i

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wisdom of the Jig Saw Puzzle

Santa Claus brought me a puzzle in my stocking this year. He was very thoughtful and chose a puzzle that “potentially”, my girls and I could do together. Potentially being the operative word in that sentence!

It was all very exciting to spill out the 1000 little pieces onto the table and when I told them that the first step, in putting together a puzzle this size, was to turn over all of the pieces. It was at that moment that their level of excitement depleted substantially. However they stuck with me for the first little bit, turning over a piece or two but were more interested in getting to the work of putting it together straight away. It wasn’t long afterwards that I was left with the tedious task of piece turning solo, after all Santa had given me the puzzle not them, I believe one of them mentioned.

There I was, all1000 little pieces turned over staring back at me, and me holding a cup of tea in one hand and the empty box for picture reference in the other. Where do you begin?
I could do the edge first, this way the boundaries are set and you can work from the outside in; or find the obvious: sort pieces of colors and the ones that you can put together and build from the inside out.

I began to notice that despite staring at a sea of 1000 pieces there were the ones that became familiar, and that not only individual pieces but clusters of pieces began to hold familiarity.

I became aware of how there were times that I picked up a piece for no particular reason and it worked…ahh intuitive puzzle style. And there were other times when I was certain that the piece I chose was the right one, and I even tried to force it, negotiate with it and cajole it into being the one but it never was.

Once I had successfully put together sections I looked for the pieces that joined them together, and when that wasn’t working the setback made my feeling of success dip; then once I decided to focus on another section or area my attitude shifted and I was going forward.

This blog entry isn’t the top 10 tips on successful puzzle putting-together, rather it’s about how I learnt that the process of putting together a jig saw puzzle is amazing similar to both problem solving and idea formulation!

When faced with an idea or problem how do you tackle it? Do you create boundaries within to work or do you work with the guts of the idea and build from the inside out until you have a better sense of the limits?

When the idea or problem is in 1000 pieces where do you begin? Looking at the 1000 pieces can be daunting and trying to keep the image in your mind of the successfully finished product is tough. However, when we accept that each of those pieces individually may seem arbitrary on their own; they are significant in the big picture.

The puzzle box was a constant reminder of what the end result would be, it didn’t matter how I got there, but in the end it was exactly as it should be.

Presently I’m gestating an idea, I’m a work from the inside out on this one. And just as I did with the puzzle I find myself shifting my focus on the idea when something just isn’t fitting. The wisdom of the jig saw has made me appreciate the process and I’m trusting that in the end the pieces I’m sorting right now will make the big picture…exactly as it should be!

With Grateful Ch’i

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Groove or a Rut?

Are you in the Groove right now? You know, when you everything seems to be moving along in just the right rhythm. The times when you have everything in the radar and you know where you have to be, you know what you have to do, and you know how to get there. Things get done, you have the energy, and you have the motion.

Or are you in a Rut? When the flow is just not smooth, the rhythm is choppy and the beat is just not moving you. These are the times when you need everything in the radar to either slow down or speed up but the energy just isn’t there to precipitate that change. Things aren’t getting done, your energy is zapped, and you either feel you are at a standstill or a on a treadmill (moving but really not going anywhere).

Sir Isaac Newton stated, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” And that is illustrated in the Yin Yang symbol from the Chinese as these elements exist in all things.
Yin elements are feminine; they are dark, introspective, muted and soft; while Yang elements are big, bold, busy, masculine, extroverted and bright. The symbolism and meaning of this is that the universe requires the duality of all things in order to exist. We would not know what light is if we did not have dark; hence we wouldn’t know what a groove was if we didn’t have a rut!

My interpretation of Sir Isaac Newton’s first two Laws of Motion is that if you are at a standstill or are moving at a constant speed that only an external force will cause that to change and the change will only be as good as the force itself.

Therefore, if you are in a groove and want to keep that humming, you need to continue to attract the things into your life to perpetuate that groove; and if you want to boost it you’ll need to attract those vibes as well.

The tricky one is the rut. Once entrenched in a rut it can become dangerously close to resembling a hole if we let it. And we can become so introspective and enmeshed in that feeling that we forget what its like to groove in the light. Moving out of a rut requires strength and motivation far greater than that required to maintain a groove.

If you are in a rut right now, put your order out there that you are done with being stuck and need a push. You don’t have to know what kind of push you need or who you need to answer your call; recall the rhythm of your groove, and keep listening for the beat.

If you are Groovin’ right now, feel that rhythm, express your gratitude, be golden! And listen for someone calling out for your help to get them out of a rut.

With Grateful Ch’i

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Time Travelling

If you are feeling stuck, if you are feeling blah and if you are looking for a way to energize your mind and spirit I highly recommend one of my most favorite books, The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. It is a “text” book per se, whereas at the end of each chapter you’ll find exercises to complete and in doing so you may begin to discover and or re-discover the things that bring you joy. I’ve gone through the book both on my own and in a group and it is, in my opinion, a wonderful way to deepen your Knowledge and Self Cultivation and Feng Shui your entire spirit.

On the weekend, while assisting my family with funeral preparations, the discussion turned to the eulogy and the suggestion was made how, “wouldn’t it be a good idea to write our own”. That way it eliminates the stress of someone else having to do it and you would be assured that people heard what you wanted them to know about you.

I immediately thought of one of the exercises in the book called Time Travel. You are invited to write a description of yourself at the age of 80; detail what you did after 50 that you enjoyed. Then write a letter from your 80 year old self to you at your current age. What would you tell yourself? What interests would you urge yourself to pursue? What dreams would you encourage? And I’m going to add, what are you grateful to yourself for?

Just think you have the opportunity to tap into your 80 year old wisdom, whilst you lay the groundwork for the future. You have no limits with this letter, it can describe in detail your health at 80 and how grateful you are at that you took up (fill in the blank) as a form of exercise, or decided to become vegetarian, and that you credit that to having the energy of a 18 year old!

You can describe how the book you wrote, or the art you created or the widget you invented really fueled your spirit then and continues to do so.

Perhaps you may wish to write how your good friend Oprah keeps telling everyone that story about when you were on the show and the ratings went through the roof!

What would you tell yourself? What would/can/will you do in the present to make that 80 year old smile?

Sing your own Praises NOW and have fun doing so!

With Grateful Ch’i

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Permission Granted

In my opinion, one of the most visually stimulating and poignant clips in the movie, The Secret, is when they show a seed sprouting underground and it beginning to press its way upward and out of the earth. Simultaneously, James Ray, is telling the viewer that the Universe is supporting your vibration even though it may not be readily apparent. Therefore, if you decide that it’s not working, then that seed that is about to sprout will stop its progress, and he repeats “Your wish is my command”.

I received an email from a friend who had been visualizing the scale reading 2 pounds less, the result was plus 2 not minus. So now what? Does that mean this doesn’t work? My intuition tells me we need to find a stronger vibe, a stronger feeling. And if you want a different answer; you have to ask a different question.

1. What is your relationship with your body?

My relationship with body is that “I can literally feel that my body is at my healthy body weight right NOW”. I am repeating and visualizing my intended weight number multiple times during the day. And I’ve noticed each time I do so I scan my entire body and physically am feeling that number. I affirm that it feels so good to be ___pounds NOW and when I walk, sit, stand, whatever I am truly connected with feeling lighter. I am feeling my body at my number literally and figuratively, from head to toe.

2. What is your relationship to food?

I’m not counting points, I’m not weighing food, I’m not denying myself anything because that was (note the past tense) my relationship to food in the context of releasing weight. As a lifetime member of Weight Watchers, 3 years ago I decided to go back to a meeting and for that entire week I struggled internally and externally with feeling like I was having to deny myself food and that conscious resistance stopped me from going to my second meeting. Essentially I was feeling judged by my food choices and in turn judging myself, not exactly supporting my intention.

I have given myself permission to feel the weight already gone, my meals are the same however my portions, my snacks, and my relationship with food is that which supports my goal on the scale. I do not feel judgmental about my food choices, and best of all nothing I’ve eaten since the beginning has felt like “cheating” on myself.

Therefore, since I do not feel as though I’m denying myself food, I also do not feel cravings and my food choices have and are supporting my vibration.

3. What is your relationship to the scale?

The other night I watched the weigh in portion of “The Biggest Loser”, not only is the scale itself daunting, their weigh in is being watched by a zillion viewers. Talk about a judge and jury!

I became a lifetime member of Weight Watchers while in high school and all of us in the house were following the program. My one distinct weigh in memory was the week I was to receive my lifetime achievement for maintaining my goal. So I didn’t eat before the meeting, went…weighed in…got my key…drove home and ate a tray of chocolates to celebrate. Too Funny!

Now, my relationship with my scale is that of a friend, you know the one who tells you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it. My association with the numbers is not dripping with sarcasm and judgment, its just telling me the way or rather the weigh it is. This may sound out there but I thank the scale for telling me the truth.

4. What would improve your relationship to releasing the weight, now?

Perhaps its not just a matter of visualizing the scale’s numbers; perhaps getting on the scale would not support your vision. These can be tools that you may call on at another time.

Give yourself permission to be open to feeling differently about your body, about your choices, about your relationship to the intention. Open up the lines of communication with yourself to finding the feeling, the feeling that you can connect to and plug in to be supercharged. Give yourself permission to succeed in any one way that you can build on.

Moving diagonally on the bagua from Knowledge & Self Cultivation is Love & Marriage. This area on the bagua can be literally interpreted with respect to your marital relationship; however it is defined by all of your relationships. You and your spouse, you and your children, you and your job, you and your pet, you and your _____fill in the blank___…and the list goes on.

Choosing to change my thoughts and beliefs about releasing weight has been and will be integral to my success, and I was ready, willing and open to doing so.

I invite you to give yourself permission to find that one thing to support the seed of your intention that has been planted.

With Grateful Ch’i,

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Good "Buys"...Good "Byes"

If you have gone shopping since Christmas you know that there are some good “buys” out there that are not easy to pass up. Perhaps your shopping bags contain new items that are replacing that which you already have and therefore it is an equally good time to say good “bye” to the things that no longer serve us.

People have different reasons for keeping things, and when we talk about wardrobes some may be…
· Its still good…or I spent a lot of money on it,
· I may need it, wear it, find someone else who may need it or wear it some day,
· It was a birthday, Christmas, gift from so and so.

If you have been freshening up your wardrobe here are my favorite ways to keep the energy flowing in and out of the closet.

If I buy something new then something has to go: This can be a tricky idea but one worthy of consideration.

Reversing your hangers: If you are unclear as to what should go then turn your hangers the opposite way; when you wear something and return it to your closet hang it back the proper way. Over the course of 6 months you’ll have a clear idea of what you have worn and have covered 2 major weather seasons.

If I were buying this today would I?: This is my favorite question to ask. This prompts the consideration of the:
· Clothing size; is it too big or too small,
· Color; how does the color make you look and feel,
· Style; is it current or dated,
· Shape; how does it affect my self image,
· Condition; is it well loved and no longer looking its best? Tags still attached and never worn? Needs alterations or mending?
· Vibeage; if you are not feeling good about what you are dressed in, this can and will affect your energy for the day.

Kicking around the house clothes: Just like comfort food everyone has their comfort favorites for laying on the couch, cleaning the house, working in the garden and overall veggin’ in your space uniform. Its almost like those clothes are energized with the vibe and once on, it can be like a switch was hit and you are in the zone. Even these clothes can use a second look, you may wish to ask yourself…”If someone came to my door right now, how would I feel about being seen in these clothes?”

The Unseen: Even the clothes that are not for public consumption need attention. Check out your pj inventory, yes I know that is just for sleeping, but really, if you’ve got that outfit on for 8 hours a day; 7 days a week you are absorbing that energy as well. Lingerie; ladies do the girls need a fresh lift? Oh and let’s not forget about the old adage about underwear, check those out too!

Follow Through: Decide who is getting the clothes that are still wearable, set an expiration date to get them to the charitable organization, the tailor, or friend and stick to it. The sooner the better.

Statistics: We wear 20% of our clothes, 80% of the time. Hmm that is something to ponder.

Therefore if you have recently bought something new that you love and can't wait to wear, simultaneously there is something in your closet that you no longer feel that way about anymore. I’m not suggesting that everyone needs to go on a marathon shopping trip to replenish their entire closets, however, if the clothing that we are holding on to doesn’t emanate the same energy it did when it was in our 20%, its not a reflection of where you are today and where you are going.

With Grateful Ch'i,

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Two by Two

My goal this week was to visualize my scale showing 2 pounds less than my initial weigh in last week, and voila I DID IT! Those 2 pounds put me into the next lower bracket and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I was surprised and pleased as all heck!

That is what I concentrated on! Every time I seen my scale in the bathroom, I imagined myself getting on it and reading the numbers 2 less than last time and FEELING Successful NOW, FEELING Proud NOW, FEELING Skinnier NOW! And when I got on today and realized I had manifested it! I felt all of those things but in a Super Charged Way! Congratulations to ME and Thank you to the Universe for supporting my 2 Pound Vibration! Releasing 2 pounds per week is attainable and I can easily incorporate that into my daily life. I’m not sure what my body looks like with all of my weight released but I do know very clearly what it FEELS like to have 2 less pounds to let go of.

That is the beauty of really using your emotions to fuel your subconscious mind to keep you on track. Everyone can relate to getting on a scale or putting on a pair of pants and feeling the complete and utter opposite of successful. Right?

What goes through your mind when that happens?

Think about how strong that feeling is. What are you telling yourself?

Are those the thoughts that are going to support and motivate you to release the extra weight? Not very likely.

It doesn’t take much to conjure up what that feels like and it may very well take some work and practice to generate a positive visual in your mind of you being successful but wouldn’t it be worth it? Isn’t there more value to your self to have strong feelings associated with the success NOW?

No matter what your intention is be it to get to the gym, walk around the block, drink more water and my thing…take my vitamins daily. Building up our ability to feel successful and honoring those successes will help us to FEEL better NOW, and we diminish the power of those feelings that do not support and align with our vibration.

What can you do to Pump up Your Vibration NOW! Find something that you can acknowledge to feel success NOW!

With Grateful Ch’I,

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Challenging ourselves with Change

I personally believe that the Knowledge & Self Cultivation Gua in Feng Shui is one of the most important areas on the bagua map to be mindful of when using Feng Shui. All of the guas are important and are inter-related however the significance of that gua is a place I myself start and encourage my clients to as well.

This gua is described as the “Still Mountain”, it is home of the Earth Element and is an area which encourages one to be still and grounded with self, and to meditate. When we take the opportunity to reflect on who we are, when we can be still and quiet we can invite clarity about what and where we are at with ourselves.

When mapping the bagua on my home overall, the majority of this area is outside in the landscape and encompasses my eldest daughter’s bedroom. This can present a challenge as I can not do much to this physical area in the winter and my daughter’s space is her own. Therefore I must ensure that this gua is boosted in other areas of my home to balance out the energy.

I feel that January is a month in which we can truly begin to check in with ourselves and reground, even when the ground is literally frozen. Despite January 1st being a landmark for creating resolutions or making intentions for the new year, based on collective consciousness, the month can be a time to reflect on the past, take stock, get clear, and my fave let go of the things that do not serve you (physically, mentally & emotionally).

My daughters suggested yesterday that they wanted to switch bedrooms, my Mom instinct was to say NO because I was already engrossed in de-clutter mode and I didn’t physically want to end up doing “their” project. Then the irony occurred to me, “Who am I to say No to changing rooms?” My kids are subjected to my doing this all the time and suddenly I don’t think this is a good idea, how funny is that! What a brilliant way for them to get a new fresh perspective by changing spaces, and what a great way to freshen up the chi in our overall Knowledge & Self Cultivation Gua. I laid the ground rules (I was Not moving furniture) and they very energetically tackled the project by themselves.

It wasn’t until late afternoon, when the chatter filtering down to me switched to outrage. I was quick to learn that my 9 year old (who instigated this move), suddenly realized she was losing square footage and wanted her room back NOW! My nearly 7 year old was not going to comply because hey this was a good deal for her and she succinctly said, “I gave you what you asked for and now you don’t want it!”

The grass is always greener right…So what do I do?

The move was 95% complete and if I decide to have them switch back that would stop one from hyperventilating but would surely put the other in a tailspin, and let’s face it I’d be doing the actual work because their cooperative spirit has been doused.

I decide to go with the life lesson door, and I clarify with the both of them about how this idea came to pass, I remind them of the excitement they took on the task with, I congratulate them for all the work they did by themselves without me, and how now that the work is done we will not be switching everything back to the way it was.

My 9 year old is absolutely devastated, and was frantically coming up with ways to describe how this is effecting her and she will most likely die because she has to be in that room and all she wants is her room back and she would be happy. I calmly let her know that when a person makes a big decision that there are times when the outcome isn’t as you expected but you have to find a way to make peace with it. I encouraged her to think about why she had come up with the idea in the first place and how she could creatively think of ways to make it work for her. It took time, she wanted to blame her sister, in the end she said that maybe this would actually be a good thing. And I couldn’t agree more!

When any change occurs in our lives the lesson we learn from the experience may not be clear or what we expected at first glance. How we learn to adapt to the newness and make peace with it will undoubtedly be a bigger lesson we learn about ourselves in the end.

In the words of Louise L. Hay, from You Can Heal Your Life:
In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect,
whole and complete, and yet life is ever changing.
There is no beginning and no end,
only a constant cycling and recycling of substance and experiences.
life is never stuck or static or stale,
for each moment is ever new and fresh.
I am one with the very Power that created me and this Power
has given me the power to create my own circumstances.
I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the power of my own mind to use in any way I choose.
Every moment of life is a new beginning point as we move from the old. This moment is a new point of beginning for me right here and right now.

All is well in my world.

With Grateful Ch’i