
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Gift To Yourself!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hearts, Flowers & lots of Chocolate-ly Love is spread today!  Yum Yum Yum!

So as you receive the vibeage of the day why not take out 15 minutes and give back to yourself by letting go of some easy things that you "Don't Love"!

  1. Purses, Backpacks, Rucksacks, Bike Bags or whatever carry-all you use daily............. Fish out the old grocery lists, shop receipts, gum wrappers, pens that don't work and anything else that you no longer need.  Letting go of the extra weight and clutter in our bags is a loving gesture to your shoulders, back & mind.
  2. Make Up.......................................................................................................................... Perhaps that Fire Engine Red lipstick you bought 6 months ago, or even 6 days ago is just not what you thought it would be.  When looking through your collection of cosmetics there are usually colors or products that you know inherently that you will not use....Ever! Toss them!  When doing so also let go of the potentially attached guilt of it being an impulse or investment buy. 
  3. Wardrobe........................................................................................................................ Did you know that we wear 20% of our clothing, 80% of the time?  Try this:  Stand in front of your clothing cupboard, closet or bureau, look at your clothing.  You most likely know without much effort which pieces are your core of dressing, and you also know intuitively which clothes you are no longer attracted to wearing.  Grab the pieces that you will (without hesitation) happily live without and get them in a box or bag.  Donate, recycle, or discard.  Next laundry load, look at the clothes you have just washed and be honest with yourself about their value to you.  Keep a bag handy and make a plan to pass them along.  The Rule of thumb on any shopping trip in my house is as an example:  2 new t-shirts bought, then which 2 items will go when we get home.
  4. Culinary........................................................................................................................... If your taste buds were inspired to try something new in the kitchen and your excitement exceeded the actual success with those recipe specific ingredients; let them go.  Sauces, spices and the breakfast cereal or granola bars that your children just had to have and turned out they didn't like it.  Won't it feel better not to have that visual reminder?  Or feel better to pass them on, or discard them.  I myself just found a home for the sweet wine I bought just for Chicken Marsala, which was a terrific effort but essentially a mealtime flop and it feels great to know that someone will be using it!
  5. Flat Surface Treasures.................................................................................................. Children's Artwork, Cards, papers, coins, keys, change, bits and bots.  With intention in a span of 15 minutes you tackle an area that may have become a catch all for all types of treasures.  Bring the bin with you and do a quick sort. 
Whenever you create the opportunity to relieve the space of clutter will lighten the room and lift your spirit.

So grab a bag, bin or box; set your kitchen timer for 15 minutes and Let go of the things that you Don't Love!

Happy De-Cluttering!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love this; VERY timely!