
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The 5 Elements- Assessing your Physical Space

The pop quiz for finding your elements within you may help to identify how those elements are within us.  

And those elements within may also be represented in what we surround ourselves with in our physical spaces.  We surround ourselves with the things that we are most attracted to and our homes, our desk and our closets are a visual representation of who we are and what we like.

Here are some ways in which we can identify those elements.

Wood:  Greens, Blues, plants, flowers, actual wood, columnar and pillar shaped items.

Fire:  Reds, triangle shapes, cones, pyramids, sunlight, wool, leather, animal products.

Earth:  Yellows, earthtones, soil, rectangles, square shapes.

Metal:  Whites & pastels, rocks, stones, metals, arches, circles, ovals.

Water:  Black, dark colors, glass, crystal, mirrors, assymetrical shapes.

If you want to balance out a room that has a dominant element, the same controlling cycle applies.

If you want bring more of an element into your life you could also choose to wear the associated colors.  So take a browse through your closet, which element do you most often wear?

As an example Red may not be a color that for everyone wants to cover themselves in or paint an entire room in.  Choosing a red pen or a red journal, or red undergarments can add some spark or fire and melt a bit of metal.  

If you find yourself wearing or surrounded by a lot of earthy colors, try adding blue or green throw pillows to the sofa or a blanket to add some pop.

Color and shapes can amuse the eye and add that little something something to your wardrobe and also to your space.

I'm curious does your physical space reflect your Pop Quiz results? 

I invite you to share below on the Blog,  Facebook or email.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Controlling the Yang Elements

If you took the pop quiz I posted previously you may be asking the question, 
Is it necessary to balance out my elements? 
Does everything have to be matchy matchy?
The short answer is no, if you are content and feel that all is as it needs to be then hey, keep doing what you are doing.  If you are feeling like you would benefit from moving some energy to feel different or more balanced then the answer would be, yes.

It is not ideal to have equal scores on each of the elements.  It would be difficult to manage that and since life is dynamic we need both Yin and Yang elements in order to keep us moving.

Yang elements are the ones we project outside of us, from the quiz standpoint they are the ones with a score of 72 or greater.  Yang is masculine, bright or light, big, busy, high contrast, and open.

Yin elements are the inside of us, scores on the pop quiz are less than 72.  Yin elements are dark, feminine, muted, and softer.

We need both for overall balance, as we need the light and the dark; day/night; big/small and so on.  Essentially balancing opposites.

Nourishing Cycle:

Choosing to control an element would be desired if the overpowering presence of one of the elements inhibited your ability to nourish another element or energy in your life. 
Here are my top tips on how to you may be able to balance out the main Yang element.

Controlling Cycle

Water douses Yang Fire:  
Fire is strong communication, Water is strong connection to Spirit. 
Fire is connected to speaking words, Water is connected to the sense of hearing.
Fire is leading; Water is going with the flow.

Top tip to cool your flames:  You have something valuable to share and when you talk people listen, however, we can learn more by listening than speaking.

Metal is mental and intellectual; Fire is passion and emotion.
Metal is focused, quick and sharp; Fire is lively, spark and excitement.
Metal is strength and endurance; Fire is warmth and community.

Top tip to melt your Metal:  Allow your wisdom to be conveyed with clarity and delivered with warmth.  The facts may speak for themselves but may be received better if delivered with emotion as well.

Wood is intuition and inspiration; Metal is mental and intellectual.
Wood is taking root and branching out; Metal is excavated and can be manipulated.
Wood is what you see; Metal is what you smell.

Top tip to prune the tree(s):  Your vision of life is strong, however you may benefit from backing up your intuition with the facts.  The facts can help you determine where you can prune your branches in order for the stongest ones to really prosper and for the roots to take better hold. 

Wood consumes Yang Earth:  
Earth is grounded; Wood is connected to both heaven and earth.
Earth is practical and stable; Wood is rooted and flexible.
Earth is fertility; Trees have seeds (knowledge)

Top tip to your cultivate your forest:  Start planting your ideas by getting them out there in the fertile soil, in order for them to start to grow.  Let your intuition guide you and trust in your ability to allow yourself to take reasonable risks.

Water is movement and depth; Earth is stability.
Water is the tapping into spirit; Earth is grounded in here and now.
Water is synchronicity; Earth is accountability.

Top tip to get more earthy:  Too much water can make you feel overwhelmed and you may benefit from stepping on firm ground in order to take stock.  Connect physically, meditate, stabilize yourself by taking a stand, choosing to process all the floating "stuff" that is washing over you. 

Top Tip for all the elements:  Be Gentle with Yourself as you experiment with finding your own balance!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Yang Metal and Water; Yin Wood Fire Earth

The Children and Creativity Gua is the home of Metal and is associated with water, Lakes specifically.

Metal is is the thinking, the intellectual element.  Metaphorically speaking you have a mind like a steel trap.  You are focused, quick witted and razor sharp. Determination along with strength and endurance would potentially be ways to describe you.

Metal is excavated from the earth, and the large gap between your earth score and metal depicts that.  This element can be shaped to our liking, as in using metal for jewellery or building skyscrapers.  It is both strong and can be malleable.

When we have too much metal in us it can also be portrayed at times as uncompromising or an inability to change course even when it makes sense to do so.  The razor sharp mind may also be interpreted as having a sharp tongue.

Yang Water is the connection to Spirit and Spirituality.  Your metal thinking may be a high source of creativity, which brings Joy to yourself and others.  Water is tapping into your spirit or going with your flow.  Metal is a nourishing cycle to water, in that metal holds water.

These elements are Yang elements and are what we show to the world.

To control Metal the addition of Fire is necessary.  Fire controls metal since it melts the element.  Fire is our communication to our community.  Fire is our passion and emotion, it is leadership, it is connecting.  

Absorbing and accumulating information comes easily and it shows you are one to go with the flow.  I would invite you to consider sharing your wisdom and creativity in teaching another or a group of others.  Stoke the fire within by communicating what you know.

You have a strong sense of connection and synchronicity and may benefit from tending the wood element to nurture your own ideas by sharing what brings you Joy.  

Wood, Fire and Earth are yin elements. Yin is the inner details of ourselves.

Allowing the water vibe in your life to nourish the ideas you have to branch out.  Fire needs wood to burn.  Perhaps there are things you are "thinking" about and not doing.  

What would it feel like to grow those ideas (wood), and tell others about what you are thinking (fire), and connecting to your ground (earth) to take action on your ideas?

I would invite you to think about how it wood feel to put yourself out there rather than think about it?  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Groove or a Rut?

Are you in the Groove right now? 

You know, when you everything seems to be moving along in just the right rhythm. The times when you have everything in the radar and you know where you have to be, you know what you have to do, and you know how to get there. Things get done, you have the energy, and you have the motion.

Or are you in a Rut? 

When the flow is just not smooth, the rhythm is choppy and the beat is just not moving you. These are the times when you need everything in the radar to either slow down or speed up but the energy just isn't there to precipitate that change. Things aren't getting done, your energy is zapped, and you either feel you are at a standstill or a on a treadmill (moving but really not going anywhere).

Sir Isaac Newton stated, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” And that is illustrated in the Yin Yang symbol from the Chinese as these elements exist in all things.

I Love the "S" imagery in this yin yang symbol.

Yin elements are feminine; they are dark, introspective, muted and soft; while Yang elements are big, bold, busy, masculine, extroverted and bright. 

The symbolism and meaning of this is that the universe requires the duality of all things in order to exist. We would not know what light is if we did not have dark; hence we wouldn't know what a groove was if we didn't have a rut!

My interpretation of Sir Isaac Newton’s first two Laws of Motion is that if you are at a standstill or are moving at a constant speed that only an external force will cause that to change and the change will only be as good as the force itself.

Therefore, if you are in a groove and want to keep that humming, you need to continue to attract the things into your life to perpetuate that groove; and if you want to boost it you'll need to attract those vibes as well.

The tricky one is the rut. Once entrenched in a rut it can become dangerously close to resembling a hole if we let it. We can become so introspective and enmeshed in that feeling that we forget what its like to groove in the light. 

Make peace with where you are.  Acknowledge that the not so "flow" feeling may be the pause needed to take on the next leg.  Moving through and beyond a rut may require you to simply be; take that cleansing breath and find your inspired action that feels good to help you find traction to start moving.  Ask yourself what would feel better, what ripple can you create with your thoughts?

If you are in a rut right now, thank the rut for giving you the opportunity to float, ask for the push to move forward. You don’t have to know what kind of push you need or who you need to answer your call; recall the rhythm of your groove, and keep listening for the beat.

If you are Groovin’ right now, feel that rhythm, express your gratitude, be golden! And listen for someone calling out for your help to get them out of a rut.

How do YOU get yourself out of a rut?
How do YOU get your flow moving again?
Would love for you to post YOUR go to rhythm generating ideas, below or on Facebook.

With Grateful Ch’i

Monday, August 19, 2013

Yang: Fire and Earth; Yin Metal, Water and Wood Assessment

Fire is the dominant element in this assessment, followed by Earth.

You are a connector and communicator; you are passionate about what you say and do.  You have a strong connection to your ecosystems:  family, friends, colleagues etc.  A healthy amount of fire is nourishing, lively and adds excitement.  Your personal warmth draws people to you and you make people feel wrapped in warmth as well.

Earth is the element of the physical and tangible.  Fire burns wood which feeds the Earth and the numbers show a nourishing cycle.  That feeling of being Present, Grounded and connected is important to you and you seek ways to cultivate it in your life.  You take action and are accountable for your words and actions.

These two elements together bring to mind:  You stand up for what you believe in.

The yin/inner elements are Metal, Water and Wood.

Metal is connected to the Children and Creativity Gua.  It is the home of Joy!  Having fun, being creative, colorful bubbles up from deep within you.  Laughter is an expression of this joy.  This element is also the thinking part of you, the intellectual.  We draw metal from the earth and can mold into whatever we choose. Again an expression of your creativity.

Water is going with the flow of life and we use water to control Fire when it is dominant.  There is an imbalance between the two elements in the assessment and that may be present in feeling stuck, going against the flow, or not feeling the flow you want.  There may be lots of thinking going on and you may be keeping this to yourself.  Not seeking out Helpful People, literally or energetically.  I invite you to consider where the idea of "diving in" or creating a wave for yourself in order to remove the blockages of your flow.

Wood is required to fuel the Fire.  The current assessment would suggest that you may be at the beginning of something.  That being open-minded, being open to trust and accept guidance may be in your life presently.  I invite you to nurture the seeds of your knowledge and wisdom, and trust in the process.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Yang: Water Earth Metal; Yin Wood Fire Assessment

In the 5 element image above we can see that Water is the dominant element, Earth and Metal are also Yang (or what we show to the world).  Wood and Fire are the internal or inner Yin elements.

The water total is 12 points greater than the next closest of Earth.  When we have too much water energy it may manifest in being overwhelmed or overwhelming others.  Flood of emotion and or white rapid ride.  Your Wood number is 38 less than Water so you may be having a difficult time getting things going.  Your ideas, inspiration and seeds are drowning rather than growing.

Earth's archetype is fertile soil.  It is the accountability of what we do and say.  The earth number is Yang (greater than 72) yet in this instance with too little earth to control the Water you may be feeling precarious and floating.

Metal, another Yang element in this instance, may still present by way of procrastination. You may be in too deep of water to be able to focus, communicate clearly and convert your acumen into clarity.

To control water when it is dominant is to add Earth.
What do you do or what could you do to make yourself feel more grounded and centered.  Are there things that you could let go of, busymaking, that would allow you to slow the flow down?

Yin is the inner and the details, your yin elements are Wood & Fire.

When the wood element is overwhelmed by the flow of water it may be keeping you from branching out.  Again I would invite you to find a way to look at things from a practical standpoint and see where you may benefit from decluttering.

Fire is leadership, speaking words, and emotion.  I would suggest you to observe when you are saying no to something are you saying yes to yourself; when you are saying yes to something are you saying no to yourself.  Fire burns the wood which turns into earth.  
Notice how you are communicating and as above; look for the contrasts in your choices.

Your assessment is one where the word "busy" keeps running through my mind.  I also invite you to pause and be present.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Reflection: On the Roads Already Travelled

Credit:  Beth Bacaglia's Simply Inspired
I shared this beautiful photo on my Facebook page and commented "I believe that its possible that we may only see the route as scenic, after we have travelled it".  

Have you ever white knuckled your way through a road trip?  I know I have.  

My first driving experience on the, I'll say the other side of the road, was travelling from Edinburgh to St. Andrew's golf course.  
Had to do a selfie before climbing behind the wheel!
The directions I gave my passengers were:
  • NO Talking
  • NO Squabbling
  • NO Breathing too loud
  • Definitely NO music
  • Pretty much do NOTHING to distract me from the task at hand.
I needed the car to be the most tranquil environment so I could focus specifically on:  
  1. Staying in the proper lane,
  2. Driving the proper speed limit (meaning not too slow in this instance),
  3. Negotiate the skinny roads,
  4. Listen to the Sat Nav,
  5. Most importantly listen to the constant mental chatter of "You can do this"!
I can tell you that the scenery was unique, from the little glances I stole and eventually I was able to converse and at one point laugh.  

Was I able to appreciate the scenic route I was on, literally.  I'd say no.

Once I finally got the car parked and was no longer behind the wheel could I appreciate it? I'd say...umm yes, and perhaps after my wine with dinner the yes had more oomph.

The literal task of driving was not the issue, it was seeing the road from a different vantage point and NOT thinking it was wrong, it was simply different.  
Credit:  Gratitude n all

Driving on the left vs the right side of the road is exactly the same, however when all of your driving has been from the left side of the vehicle on the right side of the road, making that switch is mind bending.  And for anyone who has made the switch, even temporarily you may concur that you can almost feel the new tracks in your brain being paved.

Having now driven for the past year in Australia, I can appreciate the process even more.  I celebrated when I could comfortably drive with the radio on, began to multi task by yelling at the kids or be able to take a drink of coffee in transit.

Does it feel normal? Kinda, well it feels "less new".

The journey over the past year, driving included, has been scenic in more ways than one. Whether I was able to appreciate that fact in the moment or only when looking back. 

I believe there is always something interesting to appreciate, see and learn through observation and reflection.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Yang Wood and Fire: Yin Earth, Metal and Water

This 5 Element assessment results show a relative balance in all the elements; as in not an extreme variance for any particular one. 

Wood is the Yang Element; Fire is the next dominant element.
Yin is Earth, Water and Metal.

Wood is intuition, knowledge, inspiration and action.  When wood is in balance we will trust the process.

Wood consumes Earth, which is indicative in the totals shared above.  Too much wood can be Type A personality; a lot of things happening but not enough gain; lots of work not enough pay.

Fire is the emotional element; it is communication (words), touch, life, spark, excitement.  This is connected to Fame and Reputation or Community.  It is defined as Integrity, true to self and how we are viewed by others.

The results of the assessment show that there is plenty of wood to keep the fire burning and Fire creates Earth, yet in this instance Earth is the lowest or most yin of the elements.

It may be possible that you are full of ambition, lots of great ideas and are inspired to share.  You can communicate effectively, your ideas spark interest and yet the seeds of your inspiration may not have enough Earth in order to sprout, take root and begin to grow.

In any garden there are times when you have to control the growth.  Culling weeds or runts from your plantings.  Perhaps it may serve you to look at your "garden or forest", stand in a place of observation and see what you can nourish to truly take root and harvest and preserve the others for another planting cycle?  

Adding Metal:
The element of Metal is used to control Wood as a Dominant Element.  (Metal cuts Wood.)
Too little Metal can impact one’s ability to focus, stay on task, lack determination thru procrastination, forgetting, and avoidance. 
The ability to generate many ideas, however, needing to cull the forest in order for those ideas to take root in the Earth.

  • What could you let go of in order to allow yourself to focus your intentions more specifically?
  •  Are there concepts, ideas or things in your world that can be blended together to create a more solid root structure?
  • What seeds have you planted that need more room to grow?
  •  What branches could be pruned?
The I Ching teaches us that Metal is the element associated with Children and Creativity; the essence being “Joy”.

  • How could you cultivate Joy in your life right now?
  •  How could you “lighten up”?
  • What would it feel like if you could infuse your life overall with joy?

Highlight with Earth and Fire Elements:
All seeds have their own germination period.  I invite you to consider all the great things you intend to plant, nurture and harvest.  Then consider the possibility that all the seeds do not necessarily have to planted all at once.  

Perhaps you can find a rhythm in clearing the soil, plant specific seeds, nurture and intend to harvest.  

Find your ground, stand in your garden.

Too little Fire can be a feeling of being separate from, lots of flame but not a lot of heat.  Just as above, metaphorically speaking, you may benefit from concentrating your efforts on stoking less number of fires rather than have many individual matches lit and expect the same radiant heat.

The element of water helps to refine.  “Going with the Flow”.  “Trusting the flow of life.” If the garden is too dense the plants can not thrive in rationing the water.

Suggested Affirmation:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Yang Earth and Fire; Yin Wood, Metal and Water

Yang Earth and Fire; Yin Wood, Metal and Water Observations.
This is in response to a reader's quiz submission.
Thank you!

Earth is your Yang Element, what you show on the outside.
Fire is the compliment Yang Element, supporting your creation of Earth.
Your Internal Yin elements are Metal, Water and Wood.

Strong Earth indicates that you are practical, stable, grounded in the here and now.  While the assessment total in relation to the other elements may suggest that you may have and to take on too much responsibility, feelings of getting stuck, not moving forward, rather a feeling of being anchored or weighed down.

In the I Ching; Earth is the Element associated with the Love & Relationship area of the Bagua.

Known as the receptive; being able to take something in.  The receptive Earth.
Keyword is Devotion; between love partners and within self.

In order to balance out the dominance of Earth, I invite you to add Wood.  Wood consumes Earth.
Wood is intuition, knowledge, inspiration, active, awake & alert.  It embodies openmindness, ability to trust, ability to accept guidance, to take reasonable risks, to try new activities.
Too little wood can keep us “small” or not branching out.

Health & Family’s element is Wood.  The I Ching associates: arousing, thunder & shock.  The best reaction to shock is laughter; Despite being shocked by a thunderclap life goes on.  Shock is a movement to transformation.
What can or is stimulating transformation in your life? 
What seeds can you plant and nurture in Health – Body, Mind, Spirit?
What can you “unearth” about your relationships; to self and to others?
Is there a new way at looking at your relationships?
What can you cultivate in your life?

Highlight with Metal & Water
Metal is the mental and intellectual.  It is the element of both strength and endurance; as well it can be made malleable. 
Metal is excavated from Earth.  To little metal can be procrastination, avoidance, forgetting.  I invite you to consider releasing some of the Earth’s burden of responsibilities to lighten the anchor. 
What area of your life are you holding on to things that others may help support you?
What could you delegate?
Water is the source of life, it is the tapping into the soul, spirit, trusting in the flow of life.  This could be an invitation to “dive” into something. To feel more fluid, to nourish growth.

An Affirmation for you…

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pop Quiz - Finding Your Element

How does one know which element is your Yin or your Yang?

Which of the 5 elements are primary in YOU: Wood, Fire, Water, Metal or Earth.

If you are up for a pop quiz continue reading.

Please accept this as an invitation for you to email me your totals from each part of the quiz, from which I will provide you my observations and interpretations.

Score each question on a scale of 1 to 5.

  • 1 being the least likely
  • 2 being sometimes likely
  • 3 being occasionally but not characteristic
  • 4 being frequently
  • 5 being most always

Part One:
___Are you a natural born initator?
___Do you act assertively & confidently?
___Do you resist authority figures?
___Do you find that people and activities move to slowly for you?
___Do you like struggling against all odds, proving yourself to others?
___Are you always doing something or going somewhere?
___Do you have high blood pressure?
___So you strongly resist giving in to a compromise?
___Do you always want to be first and best?
___Does confinement and sitting quietly drive you crazy?
___Do you get frequent muscle cramps?
___Do you like to make all the rules and then break them?
___Do you pioneer new trails wherever you go?
___Do your nails alternate between hard & thick and dry & brittle?
___Are you impatient with people who seem to have no direction in life?
___Do you strongly resist showing vulnerability?
___Do you love speed and adventure?
___Have you ever had tendonitis?
___Do you manipulate situations to get what you want?
___Is it difficult for you to control your anger?
___Do you find any kind of restraint insufferable?
___Do you do your best work under pressure?
___Are you considered moody?
___Is your personal freedom a supreme value in your life?

Part One Total_________

Part Two:
___Are you highly motivated to seek the divine?
___Are you charismatic?
___Do you have heart problems?
___Do you have an extreme aversion to pain?
___Do you love drama, performing and being in the spotlight?
___Are you often spontaneous?
___Do you get sores on your tongue or around your mouth?
___Can't say no to anyone?
___Do you tend to be more emotionally intense than your friends?
___Have you ever had a speech impediment?
___Do you love to give your opinion?
___Do you fear separation above all else?
___Are you clever on your feet?
___Do you desire personal fulfillment more than almost anything?
___Do your cheeks turn red easily?
___Could you be described as extravagant?
___Are you bright and scintillating at social gatherings?
___Do you have eczema or other skin eruptions?
___Do you enjoy talking during most activities?
___Do you have trouble with boundaries in relationships?
___Is the need for intimacy and merging a strong motivation for you?
___Do you suffer from anxiety or insomnia?
___Are you mostly optimistic and enthusiastic about life?
___Are you strongly empathetic?
Part Two Total_____
Part Three:
___Do you see yourself as a service oriented person?
___Are you working on being more self-reliant?
___Do your friends often use you as a negotiator?
___Is bloating and water retention a problem?
___Do you struggle with inertia and feel "stuck" sometimes?
___Does nurturing come easy to you?
___Do you like to be in charge but not in the spotlight?
___Does your need to be accommodating sometimes result in conformity?
___Is a need to belong strong in you?
___Do you suffer with muscle tenderness?
___Do you regard loyalty as one of the most important traits in a person?
___Are you conservative in your thinking?
___Are you the family member or friend who knows what's going on in everyone's lives?
___Do you suffer with swollen glands and other lymphatic disorders?
___Would you like things to be more predictable?
___Do you tend to be overly protective?
___Do unrealistic expectations leave you disappointed much of the time?
___Do you try to be all things to all people?
___Have you recently gained weight?
___Are you considered a worrier?
___Do you feel you haven't been recognized for your efforts?
___Are you prone to obsessive thoughts and actions?
___Are you the family member or friend who remembers everyone's birthday?
___Are you regarded as the peacemaker by friends and family?

Part 3 Total__________

Part Four:
___Do you hold righteousness and virtue in high regard?
___Are rituals important to you?
___Is chaos your enemy?
___Do you have stiff joints and muscles?
___Do you have no time for nonsense?
___Do you hold very precise standards?
___Are you very sensitive to temperature?
___Is clarity and agreement important to you?
___Are you a law and order person?
___Is your skin or hair really dry?
___Are you considered a perfectionist?
___Do you fear intimacy?
___Do you have a strong artistic sense or an eye for good design?
___Does carelessness in others drive you up the wall?
___Are you considered cool, dispassionate and distant?
___Are reason and high principles your guiding light?
___Are you considered a little too strict and nit picky?
___Do you have elegant or refined tastes?
___Is social involvement on the bottom of your list of things to do?
___Do you have sinus problems?
___Does your high level of self control drive your spontaneous friends crazy?
___Do you know best?
___Is it difficult for you to experience or release powerful emotions?
___Are you good at providing structure and boundaries for others?

Part 4 Total__________
Part Five:
___Would you describe yourself as introspective?
___Is the search for truth a prime motivator in your life?
___Do you have a very strong sex drive?
___Are you highly creative, imaginative and original?
___Do you dislike superficiality more than anything?
___Do you pride yourself on being self-contained and self sufficient?
___Is rapid deterioration of teeth or gums a problem?
___Do you seek the deep mystery in everything?
___Do you suffer with frequent backaches?
___Do you occasionally catch yourself being tactless or thoughtless?
___Do you have a very penetrating and critical mind?
___Do you hate waste and conserve everything?
___Is the desire to stick to it one of your strongest virtues?
___Do you have hardening of the arteries?
___Is it difficult for you to share your things with others?
___Do you suffer from a feeling of chronic isolation?
___Are you afraid of losing yourself in others?
___Are you considered enigmatic and eccentric by your friends?
___Do you often feel misunderstood?
___Are you awkward in social situations?
___Do you resist conformity?
___Do you have kidney or bladder problems?
___Are your hands and feet likely to be cold?
___Do you have remarkable powers of concentration?

Part 5 Total__________
Part One is your WOOD Score
Part Two is your FIRE Score
Part Three is your EARTH Score
Part Four is your METAL Score
Part Five is your WATER Score

I invite you to email me your summary with the totals from each part of the quiz, from which I will provide you my observations and interpretations.