I wanted to share some scripting ideas to use when thinking, journalling, speaking and above all feeling your Intentional Gratitude.
Setting a pre-gratitude intention is like crafting an affirmation. Affirmations are declarative statements of something that is true and is a positive statement.
1. Take ownership of the statement.
Begin your intentional gratitude with "I am... or I feel", this makes the affirmation about YOU. You are the one who is wanting to create the goodness, so you are who the statement is about.
Granted this is about being thankful for something in your future, however, you will be best served by using a current timeline such as "I am Grateful NOW for... or I feel so Grateful NOW that...".
Using words like "will and when" as in "I will be Grateful when....such and such happens"; is wishy washy. If you are saying you will be grateful, then you are not grateful now; If you are saying when it happens you are not attracting it back in a timely manner.
That verbage puts your thought energy out into the world like playing catch with yourself. You throw the ball high and long but it lands in the grass so that when you want it to come back you will have to go look for wherever it landed. Anchoring your intention in the present projects your vibeage out there like a boomerang, as we want it to come back to us.
3. Feeling the Gratitude.
Language can anchor our thoughts, but feeling it empowers our thoughts and ourselves.
If you are saying this or any affirmation by rote and not believing it, more importantly feeling it, then its simply words. Dialing in on with the anticipation that your intentional gratitude will come to fruition.
This bears repeating... When you intend to be grateful for something and anticipate how grateful you will be for it and feel it; your energy is conspiring in your favor for you to achieve it!
I'd love to hear your experiences, feel free to share in the comments!
I Am Grateful NOW, for the comments posted on this blog post :)