
Monday, October 22, 2012

Purging & Acquisition: Zen Garage Sale; Going from 100 to 10%

And some of it was easy, there were clothes that the girls' had stowed that they had outgrown.  There were items that I would have discarded on the last go around but let them stay.  There were things that we wanted to take with us back to Europe that were important.  

Then there was the furniture.  I had already let go of some big articles already, however when I looked at the dining room suite, 4 bedrooms worth of furniture, various and sundry shelving units, etc.,  I began to ask myself the question, "What shape will all of this be in after being stowed away in a storage facility for an undetermined amount of time?" 

It’s not uncommon to hear of damage by the actual move, deterioration while being stored due to moisture or worse vermin.  And then the question begged, if and when the day comes to move it somewhere in Canada will I choose to go back to a property that would be this size again?" Kind of ditches the whole living more simply lesson huh?

After taking a very big breath in and out I made the choice to let go of most everything and boil our belongings down to the essence.

What happened next will always serve me as a clear and resounding sign that I was on the right track.  I called my dearest friend, we drank a very strong coffee, and told her my plan.  Using email and the omni-effecient Facebook I advertised that I was having a Zen Garage Sale.  Meaning, I wanted everything gone and didn’t have time to price it so come and make me a deal that makes us both feel good.

The best part was that my friend never questioned my success and nor did I.  And a success it was. 

We tag teamed at the house, while I unpacked all the boxes she hauled what was going to the garage and merchandised.  Subsequently, I was making calls, fielding calls, emailing and posting pictures, generating a vibe and trusting in it that it would reach the most perfect people.

The emotional value of the contents was a hot topic, pre-sale, during sale and post sale.  I was letting go of some items that were chock full of emotions.  And that can create a conflict, in more ways than one.  The primary conflict that I had to address was how “I” needed to make peace with letting go of these things that held significance.

Tupperware aside there were Wedding gifts, birthday gifts, bought for myself and the house gifts.  Gifts that someone thoughtfully selected and presented to me/us.  That comes with its own attachment. 

My dear friend has a great philosophy when it comes to gifts.  Once a gift is received, the recipient is now in position to “choose” what its fate is.  Be it on display, on use, on loan, stored and even let go of.
So when I looked at the beautiful martini glass I was given for my 40th birthday…yes it was the absolute perfect gift, the giver is a person I adore.  When I look at the glass I am reminded of the gift, the person and the fine beverages served in said glass.  When I looked at it that day, in order to let it go I affirmed that even without the glass each time I have a martini I think of her, the laughs, the giggles and the concoctions we put into those glasses. 

I wasn’t letting go of her, I wasn’t devaluing the sentiment, I was letting go of a glass to someone else so they could appreciate and enjoy it.  I had to be objective and that made the process more peaceful.

There was much merchandise that I had to go through that same process with in order to reduce the emotions attached and simply see things for what they were. 

·        A Glass,
·        A Tupperware piece,
·        Dishes,
·        Pots and pans,
·        Baking sheets…
·        Books…

Simply put I was keeping the memories and letting go of the vessels, it was simply “stuff”. 

In less than 48 hours Myself & two other wonderful ladies opened the garage door and had ourselves a great time! Wheeling and dealing, cajoling (read “bullying with love”) to take the whole box of tupperware not just the one piece!  Directing traffic, organizing people to help lift, carry and haul! Collectively we were making things happen, we were making others happy and lightening my load substantially.  We didn’t even make it the whole day!  We sold out!  

Can’t beat that and the Empty garage made me feel so Full of Joy!
The next morning when the moving truck arrived, aware that I had worked to reduce the contents from the original quote, I was blown away that I had condensed our life to 10% of what we had originally….From $750.00 per month storage to $75.00.  Yes I did a little jig!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Purging & Acquisitions: Language of Now

No the phone did not ring with an offer right after I began the process of changing the energy about selling the house. Though how cool would that have been? :)

I knew that this was a transitional time for all 3 of us who were invested in the process and I felt more than ok about letting things move forward on their own as it was easier to do now that I/we were lessening the grip on to it energetically.

Months later there was an event that was happening back in Canada that all 3 of us wanted to be at occurring in October. The timing of the event was in sync with school holidays at the International school, however, in order to travel that distance I wanted to stay longer than the scheduled break from school.  In order to take extra days I had to apply for the girls to be absent well in advance of the time.

On the application form it asks why you require the children to be out of school outside of normal holidays?  My answer, Because we sold our house in Canada and needed to go back to move out.

Which technically was not exactly true, but my intention was for it to BE TRUE.  

So this really amped up my vibeage by way of believing it!  Every time the Autumn break came up in conversation I told people we were going to Canada, to move out of the house!  Yes I was believing my own marketing :)

Three weeks before we were to leave for Canada I received an offer on the house and based on the contract the conditions would be lifted while we were physically there.  Supreme Good Vibeage from that synchronicity and a good way to now release the house both energetically and physically.

As a visual person, I map out what I am doing by seeing it in my head.  So I stepped back into my memory of the house and all the boxes and saw myself organizing them for the mover to come and haul them out into storage.  Yes I kind of clenched about the per month price but now I didn't have a house to store them in anymore so it all balanced out.

I was able to organize most everything via email so that the groundwork had been laid for me to get it done in the time that we had.  A little twist to the whole situation was that less than a handful of people knew that we were coming back since the event we were attending we were showing up as a "Surprise!" That added a bit of mystery and covertness to the operation and a challenge thanks to social media not to spill the beans on the potential sale of the house and our trip back.  

I'm a big fan of chaos, yeah I know crazy.  But I had Zero thoughts that I wouldn't have enough time to accomplish this feat during our 10 days, in addition to other events planned.  It would be hectic but doable.

At my first opportunity I had to get into the house I was going to re-acquaint myself with what we had left to deal with inside.  This meant that I planned to sift through some of the contents that perhaps were important 14 months earlier but today would be different.

Not to mention from a financial standpoint, the boxes not only represented our worldly belongings but along with it a monthly price of $750 for storage fees.  Hmmm doing a quick calculation again...

  • I had dodged paying that fee for 14 months, good call Sher!
  • I was looking at a minimum storage time of 10 months until...who knew maybe 5 years? You do the math...
  • Once our stuff was in storage the next time we would be accessible to it would be when they delivered to our next house.
When I say that the time to Purge was upon me, and I don't mean a bag or 2 of clothes, letting go of some old sheets & towel I mean... 

The Everything must GO NOW PURGE!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Purging & Acquisitions: Releasing with Love

I believe that there are varying levels of emotional value woven into whatever we have and are holding onto. 
  1. that pair of boots you wore to the bucket list rock concert,
  2. the jeans you wore in high school,
  3. the cache of baby clothes and your kids are teens or older,
  4. the teapot your grandmother used,
  5. the ___(fill in the blank)___.
All the things that we surround ourselves with, hold a link to and tell us a story over and over again.  Having memories and items that help you remember times, people, events, milestones with fondness are off the charts in holding emotional value and are treasures.

However, if you associate the jeans you wore in high school with negative self talk like, "I'm so fat, how did I let my body get like this, I will never be that size again", are they truly valuable? Are they motivational?  If they make you feel like that...let them go 

If your intention is to have them as a reminder of your Rockin' Bod and the good times had while wearing them... that's a different story and it feels different to look at them and when you tell that story.

The house I selling was bursting with emotions.  It wasn't just a property it was:
  • the house me and my husband built, 
  • on the land that he and I loved, 
  • in the community that we helped to create, 
  • in association with the business he had dreamed of starting and owning for years,
  • the place to host friends, family, Thanksgivings, Christmases, birthdays, celebrations of all things,
  • it was our Family Home that our girls were to grow up in, move out of and come back to.
I wasn't just selling a house, I wasn't simply letting go of a building and some land, this was letting go of what we had known to be our foundation, of what was and what would never be.  

After my husband died, I had started referring to our going forward as "Creating a New Normal".   After physically leaving Canada every moment and experience was not just a New Normal but also one that required translation from either German or Dutch.  From the get go, when asked how we were doing I replied without hesitation that "We were having an exceptional experience!" And we did for just over 2 years!

Six months after I had put the house on the market and subsequently made adjustments to the price and still no action I felt it was time to address the energy around and feelings about actually selling.  

My intention was not to disregard or diminish the importance of what the house was to me, and my girls, but it was to find a way to make peace emotionally in order to let it go.

I believe in listening to your body and I'm an advocate for and practice listening to my "gut" as my intuitive guide.  Three main things came up for me

  1. Whenever I thought of the house I felt a clenching in my chest...Not good.  
  2. I felt that as much as I wanted to sell it I was clutching it to my chest...Not conducive to manifesting a buyer.  
  3. Whenever the girls and I talked about the house it sounded like we were talking about their Dad, not the building...tricky
So I asked myself a couple questions:  
If we weren't in Europe right now would I be selling the house?  
Answer:  Yes

If we were to repatriate to Canada tomorrow, next month, next year would we move back into the house?  Answer: No

So I went back to the basics and created some affirmations that I wanted to attach to the house to help to alleviate and move away from the chest clutching feeling.


The photo on the right is an affirmation I created recently for someone who is selling and not unlike the ones I began to use myself.

Every time I thought of the house I immediately started to affirm letting it go with Love.

Every time we spoke of a family memory I would thank the house and affirm letting it go with Love.

Every opportunity I could change the language in association with the house I did.  And it began to feel better and easier.

Expressing Gratitude

Next thing I did was wrote a letter and got my girls to do the same.  The letter was dual purpose.  First to express our Gratitude to and for the house and land; and secondly as a Welcome to the Most Perfect New Owners.

I started by expressing gratitude to the house for keeping us safe, warm in winter, cool in summer. For being the most perfect place to live, for being such a gracious host to our celebrations with family and friends and for daily living.  I thanked it for being The MOST perfect place for the girls to grow up.  I thanked it for all the attributes that sprung to mind.

I thanked my husband for choosing the location, for creating such an amazing yard, for tending to the land and respecting it.  For all the things he did to make the house our home.

I thanked everyone who ever came through my door and for adding such positive energy to our space.


Next I welcomed the new family.  I told them how they had made the Most Perfect choice to live here.  I excitedly told them about all the wonderful reasons they will LOVE living here.  I told them how the yard and valley craved for kids to run, play and explore.  I told them how breathtaking the valley was in every season and to watch for the ample wildlife.  I told them how strong and secure the house was and that it will love being freshened up to reflect their style.  I affirmed all of their reasons for choosing to make this their home.

After completing the letters we read them out loud, which led us to share stories of this, that and the other thing.  When we spoke about those things it felt good, it didn't feel like loss.  It helped to shift from "clutching onto it" to "releasing with it peacefully".

To finish what now had become quasi ceremonial, we burned our letters and released them...with Love.

Retail Value

Finally, I asked my agent to provide me with a blank copy of the Offer to Purchase.  I filled it in with painstaking detail as if it were the real deal.

For the names of the Purchasers I put: The Most Perfect Family or Better
For the price, I put in my walk away price:  $XXX,XXX.XX or Better
For the date of possession: I put in a date and added or Better
I signed it as the Seller and Signed it for the Purchaser as above.  Then put it away and let the energy flow!

I'd love this sentence to read, "And after I put my pen down my agent called ..." :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Purging & Acquisitions - Emotional Value

In order to move forward I believe it is necessary to lighten your load, literally and figuratively.

Think about something for a moment:
Of all the things you have in your house that are...
  • stored in a box,
  • tucked away in a closet,
  • shelved in the garage,
  • allocated to the basement,
  • in a pile to repair, mend or recycle,
  • and even rooms or areas that are tasked strictly for storing things that you don't use regularly or even ever
Now ask yourself, 
  1. If you did not have the physical space to house these items what would you do with them?
  2. Would you pay to store them elsewhere? How much would you pay to do so?

What weighed heavily on me, back in September 2010, was the quote from the mover for storing the balance of the possessions left in the house.  

In order to empty the house it would have cost me (in addition to the move to storage) $750.00 per month, times that by the number of months the house would be on the market, (an unknown value) and I quickly calculated that my best decision, at the time, would be to leave the boxes in the house. 

This didn't sit very well with me since how would that look when a potential buyer came through and saw our collection of boxes?  However I needed to make peace with that and we did our best in storing the boxes in such a way not to detract from the house.

Plus our time overseas (initially) was to be for about a year so sending it over was not even on the table.

At that time, I didn't question the contents that my amazing team of friends came and lovingly packed up for me.  Not only did I have a tight time constraint to get this done and back on the airplane, everything that I did not let go of retained a high level of value, especially emotional value.

I had attracted the most perfect people to help me move forward with the above tasks and I also attracted the most perfect people to be caregivers of our property in our absence.  Our bags were tremendously lighter because of that.

Selling property, can be a true test of patience.  And when that property is not selling it can be a pop quiz on one's self worth.

When pricing your property you factor in the physical attributes, location-location-location, current market information, features, upgrades, amenities, etc etc., blended along with the figure of what you value your property at.

Anyone who has ever bought or sold a home knows that you will only get for the property what someone will pay for it.  Both the seller and the buyer want to manifest their best deal.  From a Universal Law perspective you may cancelling each other out to a certain extent.

Even with the intention of selling I/we still had to figure out how do let go of something so big, (literally) the size of a house?


Monday, September 17, 2012

Purging & Acquisitions: Spatial Awareness

No matter where in the world you live nature is shifting gears for the next season. Whether you are entering into Autumn, or here in Brisbane, we are nearly 3 weeks into Spring.  The transition is becoming apparent outside in the gardens and for some this is the unconscious nudge to start purging or storing items no longer suited.  While simultaneously you begin noticing the things you need to acquire.

I know a little bit about purging material possessions.  

When the decision was made to move overseas to Germany/The Netherlands in September 2010 I put the acreage on the market, boxed up the contents, let go of a large amount of stuff by either selling it or gifting it and set off for an International adventure.

Abroad, we were living in a quaint furnished cottage in Germany, and in comparison were living quite simply.  The house I was selling was approximately 316 square meters versus our quaint cottage of about 75 square meters.  I often said that we would be fine with a house half the size, then we moved into a house 25% of what we were accustomed to...Talk about downsizing!

I measure "simply" not only in actual size, but in features.  And the comfort I found in making that change was that we were living with & within what we needed and there was zero unused space.  

As a testament to making it work I was still able to host a Canadian style Thanksgiving for twelve people, feeding them all my standard fare and did so without having things like...
  • a double oven,
  • a double sink,
  • a dishwasher,
  • a formal dining room table, 
  • a 2.5 m x 1.5m counter for the buffet, 
  • various kitchen gadgets & accoutrements etc...
Everyone ate, drank and enjoyed the celebration!  This validated things for me in more ways than one.

For me that shift, not only to another country & culture,  but into another way of living was refreshing, relieving almost like releasing the breath you didn't know you were holding.  

Would I have attempted to make such a drastic change in houses if we'd stayed in Canada?  I doubt it.

Did I miss certain creature comforts? No question.

Am I blessed that my girls adjusted to sharing a bedroom smaller than one of theirs?  Absolutely.

This transition did not come without sacrifices and challenges, whereas before you would have to look for where a person was in the house, now you were acutely aware of everyone's breathing patterns. :) 

Not to mention 1 Bathroom versus 3 girls in the house...

Even though this was a furnished house there were practical things I chose to add.  However when I was bringing something "into" the house, it had to make absolute sense, it had to fit and it usually had to be multi-functional.  I had to be acutely conscious of my acquisitions to insure they were adding value and not just taking up prime real estate space.  And the wardrobe rule of something new coming in, meant something old was going out was strictly enforced, without discussion.

Arriving overseas with just our suitcases and leaving the bulk of our personal items and home contents all packed up in Canada proved to be a great lesson in be continued.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Creativity is...

When I first saw the picture of Creativity is... it was welcome sign I needed.

First of all, in my opinion, it is a compilation of truths and each phrase was a good shot of the vaccine I needed to quell the overwhelming approach of my Monsters.  

"Monsters" is the term I've been akin to using in my coaching to identify fears, and monsters have been known to morph into what can feel like an omnipresent black cloud.  However I feel that when we are able to identify what feeds the monster and what diminishes it we can begin to take our power back.

Thanks to social media we can choose to be inundated with sage words of wisdom & powerful images of inspiration, its the moment we grasp something that we can carry forward into action that makes the substantial difference in our experience. 

For me, the following motivational words is what prompted me today to get creating some action for myself....

I've been Blessed in my life to have been the recipient of and creator of big life changes.  The best of which is that I regret nothing.  Yes N.O.T.H.I.N.G. Sure there could have been a couple do-over's in choices, but in reflection I'm grateful for everything that life has brought me & taught me about myself and others.

The tricky bit is when you are in the midst of transition, trying to find your feet and NOT doing is easier than doing.  And if I'm not doing "Sherry Things" in "Sherry Style" how is that going to serve my No Regrets record?

Today I'm choosing to keep in my present the phrase "The ability to be able to express yourself freely, in whichever way you choose without having your wings clipped".  

This is my go forward intention to create space!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Flipping the Impossible to the Possibilities!

In the last couple years I have enjoyed the pleasure and privilege to tour the sites of many European cities.   I am in awe of the majesty of the well preserved and restored architecturally amazing churches and buildings.  I have been mesmerized while observing the flow and movement in 500 year old still paintings.  From the grand scale to the ornate details that the creator, architect, sculptor, artist etc. have put into their work can be mind boggling. 

What always comes to my mind is, “This (fill in the blank) came out of someone’s head!

The idea became this structure or this piece of art and was accomplished without the aid of a computer, a camera, cell phone, heavy machinery, or any other number of tools that are staples in our present day world.  Not to mention that the progress wasn’t followed on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or Pinterest!

It seems utterly impossible!  And thankfully they didn’t allow that thought to stop them!

Chances are that right now as you read this you are not trying to figure out how to build the Coliseum or paint the Sistine Chapel.  Yet, there may be challenges that feel monumentally impossible.

Things that we perceive to be impossible can go a couple ways.
  1. The idea or challenge is more akin to a fleeting thought and therefore goes out of the mind as quickly as it comes in, then Poof it’s gone.
  2. The idea or challenge weighs heavily on you and the more thought you give the impossible situation the heavier it gets.

For the decisions, choices or challenges that we think or feel are impossible, I invite you to ask yourself this question:  “What would make it possible?”

By simply changing the language you can open up to the Possibilities rather than feel overwhelmed by the Impossible.

How fun is that! 

When something feels too BIG or complicated to handle, you may feel weighted down by it and by thinking it has to happen all at once. 

When you can look at it from the flip side, it may help you to broaden your scope on seeing solutions and feel more comfortable to make decisions in manageable pieces. 

Try this whenever you feel “stuck”, and can not quite figure out how you will  fill in the blank .

Have fun with it and notice the difference in how you literally feel when you shift the impossible to the possible in any situation. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Gift To Yourself!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hearts, Flowers & lots of Chocolate-ly Love is spread today!  Yum Yum Yum!

So as you receive the vibeage of the day why not take out 15 minutes and give back to yourself by letting go of some easy things that you "Don't Love"!

  1. Purses, Backpacks, Rucksacks, Bike Bags or whatever carry-all you use daily............. Fish out the old grocery lists, shop receipts, gum wrappers, pens that don't work and anything else that you no longer need.  Letting go of the extra weight and clutter in our bags is a loving gesture to your shoulders, back & mind.
  2. Make Up.......................................................................................................................... Perhaps that Fire Engine Red lipstick you bought 6 months ago, or even 6 days ago is just not what you thought it would be.  When looking through your collection of cosmetics there are usually colors or products that you know inherently that you will not use....Ever! Toss them!  When doing so also let go of the potentially attached guilt of it being an impulse or investment buy. 
  3. Wardrobe........................................................................................................................ Did you know that we wear 20% of our clothing, 80% of the time?  Try this:  Stand in front of your clothing cupboard, closet or bureau, look at your clothing.  You most likely know without much effort which pieces are your core of dressing, and you also know intuitively which clothes you are no longer attracted to wearing.  Grab the pieces that you will (without hesitation) happily live without and get them in a box or bag.  Donate, recycle, or discard.  Next laundry load, look at the clothes you have just washed and be honest with yourself about their value to you.  Keep a bag handy and make a plan to pass them along.  The Rule of thumb on any shopping trip in my house is as an example:  2 new t-shirts bought, then which 2 items will go when we get home.
  4. Culinary........................................................................................................................... If your taste buds were inspired to try something new in the kitchen and your excitement exceeded the actual success with those recipe specific ingredients; let them go.  Sauces, spices and the breakfast cereal or granola bars that your children just had to have and turned out they didn't like it.  Won't it feel better not to have that visual reminder?  Or feel better to pass them on, or discard them.  I myself just found a home for the sweet wine I bought just for Chicken Marsala, which was a terrific effort but essentially a mealtime flop and it feels great to know that someone will be using it!
  5. Flat Surface Treasures.................................................................................................. Children's Artwork, Cards, papers, coins, keys, change, bits and bots.  With intention in a span of 15 minutes you tackle an area that may have become a catch all for all types of treasures.  Bring the bin with you and do a quick sort. 
Whenever you create the opportunity to relieve the space of clutter will lighten the room and lift your spirit.

So grab a bag, bin or box; set your kitchen timer for 15 minutes and Let go of the things that you Don't Love!

Happy De-Cluttering!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Practicing what I post.

Living abroad we can find ourselves at times missing certain comforts from home, such as food.  These things can be appeased by either requesting a care package or being creative in the kitchen, our feeling of missing can be satisfied for the time being.

When we miss family or friends, that too can be handled quite easily with an email, skype call or any number of online options.  However, no matter how far technology has come when we miss that special person that is beyond this world, there is a palpable void.

Special occasions like birthdays, Christmas and other calendar dates bring up those feelings and in some ways we can be some what prepared for those times, since we know they are coming up.  Its the times, when no matter where in the world you are, that on a Thursday, for no accountable reason, you feel as though you have been swallowed up and the feelings of loss have enveloped you.

As an adult I can and do practise what I posted in the Rock Star or Roadie blog and through that can navigate my way through the funk.  As a Mom, my instincts want me to just tuck my girls away, hug them, hold them and fix things.  

But I can't.

No amount of hugs from me can replace the arms that they wish to hold them.
Listening to me can not replace the voice that they wish to hear.
A Mom can do and be many things for their children; but a Mom can never be their Dad.

I can only love them, hug them, help them as a Mom.
I can be a "go to" person for them.
I can breathe deeply & evenly, and encourage the same.
I can listen and through that feel the heaviness of the funk lighten.

We can talk and acknowledge that these heavy feelings are temporary and know that they aren't always this strong.

We can sort through some choices and auxiliary experiences, created during this time, that may have best been put on pause, but learn from them all the same.

I can and do remind them of their Rock Stardom; we can smile, laugh, and feel even more heaviness dissipate.

Reaching out to someone when you need a "go to" can seem like the most difficult step; 
Reaching in to someone when they need a "go to" can seem equally so. 
To keep connected during these times takes willingness and faith on both parts.

The email, phone call or invitation for a walk may be the opening up to helping yourself or another feel lighter and better able to make their way back on stage.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Feeling like a Rock Star or the Roadie?

Where is your vibeage right now?

You know the Rock Star feeling, when everything you've got going on is going on!  You are hitting every note and are working through everything with relative ease!  Daily you take to the stage of your life and no matter what comes your way...bam... you have it handled.  No question, No hesitation, you have the "I Got This" attitude.

Have you ever felt like the Roadie?  When everything you are doing feels like heavy lifting, tripping over the cords, constantly stepping on the sticky patches of spilled coke?  When you face the day with the attitude of, "Geez I hope ________ doesn't happen", or I forgot to (fill in the blank) and you are always in catch up or clean up mode.  Not an awesome place to be.

Someone responded to my Rock Star question with, "I don't even feel like I'm on the tour" now what?"

My response to the query above was "What would it feel like to coast?"  Think intermission - a time out, a pee break, a chance to get a drink, buy a t-shirt or whatever.  Consider this as an opportunity to take a pause.

When you are in a funk what can you do?

1.  Acknowledge- Be gentle with yourself knowing this is temporary.                            

2.  Mental Sorting - Take the opportunity to see what is coming up for you. What is occupying your mind that has you confounded.  Grab a journal and write. 

3.  Decide not to decide - There are things that will have to be handled and do so; if there are auxiliary things that you could delay making decisions on do so until you are back in the zone.  

4.  Keep connected - Enlist the help of your support network, talk it out with your go to person(s) and share the load.  Your circle of support would not want you to carry that heavy load alone.  Reach out.

5.  Keep moving - February is a month whereas we are still in winter, the sun is graduating towards spring, and the weather can't seem to decide what to do.  Go for a refreshing walk, grab your Ipod, your friend, or pet and get some fresh air.

6.  Breathe & Belly Laugh - I realize you are breathing but stale, stagnant air can accumulate and hangs out in our lungs as it can in our homes.  Pop in your favorite comedy movie and watch and laugh, find a friend to have fun with and laugh!  Find a Laughter Yoga class and even if you don't feel like giggling the benefits of this type of yoga is amazing. 

Not feeling solid or balanced can be reflected in the body as in the mind.  Make a list of 5 things that help you feel more centered, perhaps one or more are listed above.  If not seek to discover what those things are in you, for when a funk happens you have your own personal toolkit to get through to the other side, refreshed and ready for your close up!

Rock On!!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Defining "Creating Space"

I began using Creating Space as an expression to describe the experience of taking one of my Foot Fitness or Body Rolling Classes.  My intention when teaching was for the work to help to release restrictions in the physical body and the term creating space helped to add imagery to that end.  Opening up tight muscles, reconnecting with flexibility and feeling the body's energy flowing.

When I began as a Feng Shui Consultant, I continued to use Creating Space as  it applied to the physical space of home, business or landscape.  In some cases this may literally mean to de-clutter a room or home or to refresh the layout of a space that feels confining.  

Now as I am expanding my service to mentoring or Life Coaching I was searching for a word or phrase that best suited me.  I tried on a number of different ideas, asked for opinions, and wore out my thesaurus in the process.  However nothing I came up with really seemed to suit or to fit. 

Literally yesterday as I was poised over the keyboard it was one of those light bulb moments when I thought, well of course...I intend to help those who wish to release restrictions of thoughts or beliefs; help to de-clutter mental closets; reconnect with life; and move forward with their energy flowing.  

In that moment it all came together...The thing I love to do is to help people to Create Space in all ways!

So I am keeping it simple, and going with what suits me best!

Sherry Trentini, Creating Space

Enjoy your Day!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Reflection & Rejuvention

Anyone who knows me learns quickly that I am not one to dip my toes into something to test the water.  I go with my "gut"and more often than not wade right in.

I believe in what my intuition tells me, I always have.  Sure there have been times when I have chosen to ignore my inner messages, however the message gets through eventually and I've also learnt that when you make a decision, you can always always make another one to get back on track.

Rejuvenating my Blog has held me on the cusp, I've been toe dipping rather than wading or diving really.   Thanks to the support and encouragement of  Louise L. Hay & Cheryl Richardson, and all in attendance at their London workshop last fall, I allowed myself to take a breath and step away  from the water, per se.

In that time since the workshop, I've been slowly moving closer, not with tentative steps but with soundly grounded steps towards putting my service out to the world.  I've been reflecting on how I came to be here, at the water's edge.  And I've been looking forward to what the water will feel like, how the water will flow and have been anticipating the full on dive in.

Reflection has been a big part of my life, especially in the last 2 1/2 years.  And I truly value the opportunity I have created to be able to breathe in deeply and see where things were at; to where they are at, with valued and grateful perspective.  Circumstances and experiences have that underlying gift to remind us to notice, "What is here for me to learn about myself and others that is not readily apparent."

My life's experiences has always been a great teacher, I am who I am because of all the gifts I have received to learn and grow from.

I am choosing this Blog to be a tool for which I will use to share my thoughts, experiences and collective education that I have garnered in my Life, with the intention for it to be of value not only to my own self but to you and others.

With Grateful Chi!
