
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Cultivating Curiosity

When is the last time you allowed yourself just to wonder?  Read the post HERE

Monday, April 18, 2016

Master Bedroom Feng Shui

You can read the post on my new website by clicking HERE.

Feng Shui Basics - Bagua Map

You can read the full post on my new site by clicking here

Thursday, April 7, 2016

I'm Moving ...AGAIN

No, I'm not leaving the country AGAIN

No, I'm not buying a new house.

Nope...but I am moving this BLOG.

I'm doing what all the cool kids are doing and I built a new WordPress Website, which at this writing is somewhere in Internet Purgatory!

I'll be hosting my blog posts on my site at,


I'm so Grateful to Blogger, I've loved being a part of this community.


I do hope you choose to follow me over to my site!


I'm still figuring out the logistics to get an RSS Feed going, or you can join my email list and get notified that way!



Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Value of Venting or Sh** Journalling

The journal that you write your gratitude in is gorgeous.  

The one that you carry in your bag, at your bedside or keep on your desk is plump with ideas, musings and inspiration, and has the most decadent feel to it, in all ways.  

The writing instrument which you use to write the words of thanks, wax poetic about your intentions and mind map your inspirations is not merely a pen, but a vessel from which your own energy flows from and onto the pages of those sacred books.

Those journals, in all their beauty and masterpiece, are containers, preserving all the good thoughts and things documented about You and Your Life and Your Dreams.

So where do you document your angst, your tizzy, your discomfort.  

On those days when you are listening to a monologue from your gremlins?  The eye rolling, the disdain, the What The …?

There is a journal for that....drumroll please...

Introducing the "Sh** Journal"!!

The Sh** Journal is where you write with whatever marker, crayon, pen, pencil or finger dipped in peanut butter.

You write whatever sh** is running through your mind, that is fast tracking your moment, your morning, afternoon, evening, day, two days, week and beyond into the depths.  

The pages will be a safe place in which to express your sh**, your fire, brimstone and disdain. 

It is where you articulate thoughts like:

  • The "I suck, let me count the ways!" soliloquy,
  • The "What on earth made me think I could do this?" tirade,
  • The "Are you freaking kidding me?" moments,
  • The "Really...Seriously...This is happening?" and other drips of sarcasm,
  • The why I should practise, "Would you like fries with that?" monologue.

Where you can pose philosophic questions like:

  • "Who gives a Sh**?"
  • "Why do I give a Sh**?"
  • "Is this really my Sh**?"
  • "Why is this Sh** running through my mind?

There's more...write about when you think you are or feel like the Sh**ty:
  • boss,
  • leader,
  • parent, 
  • partner, 
  • spouse, 
  • friend, 
  • consumer,
  • driver etc.


We have 60,000 thoughts per day, and lets be honest they are not all affirmations.  Its when one of those "I Suck" themed thoughts grabs our attention, then it invites a friend, and the friend invites a friend and suddenly its gone viral.   One simple thought morphed into a stadium filled with these self-deprecating, confidence busting, and alignment kinking thoughts. 

The longer we ignore them, the more come to the party. So get them out of your head, its like crowd control, calling security or 911 for assistance.



You are welcome to go out and buy THE most unattractive to you journal to have at the ready.  You can even doodle or collage a picture of what your gremlin looks like and add it to the back page.  Therefore when you write pressing down as hard as you can its like a voodoo energy towards that monster.  **Don't forget to add horns or other adornments that further embellish that image.

Also, there is nothing stopping you from grabbing scrap paper from the recycle bin and just going to town.  Make it as easy as possible.


Or lifting the pen.  Write with absolute abandon, the faster you write those thoughts and get them out the better.
DO NOT edit, correct, punctuate...VENT!  Go with the flow.  Its not a presentation, dissertation or speech.   

Why not type it in a document on your laptop then delete it?  Read this article on why handwriting makes you smarter.


Get into the process, whether its rolling your eyes, sneering, snuffling, scowling or mimicking with your mouth what the face of those thoughts look like as you write them out.

Adding facial expressions while you are writing goes further get that energy out of you as you write is doubly cathartic.


Once you have purged and vented all the Sh**, write Thank You to close.

I know you are thinking, "What the....?"  

You have just vented it out, every sh**ty detail.

How do you feel now?  Relief? Exhausted? Refreshed?

What's happening inside that beautiful head of yours now?  

Is it possible that steam roller is no longer making pass after pass flattening your energy, self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence?  

Have you every had this experience when talking to a friend, whereas you were given the space to vent or been that friend?  What did you say at the end?  Probably thank you for letting me get that off my mind. 

Thank you is closing the loop, its completing the process.


Rip the papers out of said unattractive to you journal, tear them into itty bitty bits, feed them to the shredder, or if possible set a match to them (in a safe, well ventilated area taking all the precautions when setting something afire).  

Feel free to do a tantrum tap dance on top of them before sending them off to their final resting place.

Keeping them serves no value.

Keeping them makes it possible for confidentiality to be compromised.

Keeping them is like keeping those thoughts.

Let them go with another dose of gratitude and a dash of Love.

Why Love?  Well, you may have learned something in your Sh** journalling, you may have learned that the stadium of thoughts had a common denominator called Fear.

Fear that those things were factual.  (Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real)

Adding love to the letting go process is more for YOU so that you can replenish what had been steam rolled earlier.  


Big Inhale


Big Exhale

Trust me, when you have been hosting all that Sh** in your head you were breathing shallowly and now that its out we can get back to business.  So freshen up and reset the body, mind and spirit by taking 3-5 big deep breaths.

Now you can get back to the business of being your awesome self, loving your fabulous thoughts and all sorts of other Good Sh**

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Building my Bagua for 2016

All those in favour of the "holidays" being over, raise your hand!

I'm ready to get back into a more normal flow of things and have been for a few days.  

The decompression of one's normalcy during the holiday season through to the New Year, starts out favourable, then it can bottom out.  

That lack of consistency of a routine has hit a saturation point when it comes to sleeping, waking, eating, coming and going.  

The starter's gun went off on January 1st, yet it feels like someone fouled at the line and we are in a holding pattern to really get going, until the 4th or 5th of the month.  When collectively the world around us gets back on the field.

I'm holiday'd out.

I'm ready to get on with it.  

I'm ready to put things back where they belong and move forward.

Inflowenza:  The state of awareness that one's energy is adapting and changing to life's experiences.  Symptoms can include:  Going with it, going against it, floating on it or treading your head above it. 
 ~Sherry Trentini
Feeling that sense of eagerness to get on with whatever moves your spirit is what fuels motivation.

While revamping my space I came across a few fun things in my archives.  I'm not certain what my source of motivation was, but I quite like what I've jotted down.

Nature abhors a vacuum

Who you want to be?
What you want to do?
What you want to have?

Who you become determines what you do and what you have.

Who do you want to become?  Be limitless...Remember emotion is the fuel of motivation.

Emotion is the reason you take all the action to create.

Fall in love with your vision.
How do you want to be remembered.

I AM........

This morning over coffee I really focused my energy on my Power or Theme word for 2016.  I've noticed that there many people are calling this year 'Sweet 16'.  

I loved turning 16.  It was pivotal.  The year I got my driving license and my first car.  Which expanded my independence and had me driving towards adulthood, (rather quickly at times with music blaring).

When I thought about what that felt like back in the day, and thought about the whole energy around turning and being 16, the word that came to my mind was "liberating".  

What would it feel like to have a liberating year in 2016?
What word would encapsulate that feeling of driving with music blaring?

3 sets of words came to mind:

  • fulfil, fulfillment, fulfilled
  • prosper, prosperity, prosperous
  • thrive

All great sets of words.

The one I kept coming back to is...

Thrive may rhyme with drive, and since I was channelling my 16th year energy there may be an emotional connection.  However, truth be told, as I shared in my last email to subscribers, I shared that 2015 was a curvy year, the learning kind.  I'm ready to use that as a foundation of my personal growth and enhancement and compost it.  

Building on what I learned about myself and others.
Building on my ability to be fluid from 2014
Building on my ability to be fluent from 2015.

Sweet 2016 is my year to plant in that very fertile soil of the past and nurture a robust garden of delights.  

Thrive is defined online by:
  • grow or develop vigorously
  • prosper and flourish
And when I think of those definitions and the energy that burbles up when I think about how the word applies and its many applications to my life as a whole.  It looks like a starburst firework over my bagua!

I decided to reverse engineer things.  I decided to look at my 2016 year of thriving as if it were December 31, 2016.

I decided to feel what it would feel like to have:
  • Thrived in feeling gratitude and feeling grateful;
  • Been connected to a Thriving Community;
  • Thrived in all my relationships (the one with myself included);
  • Made nurturing decisions about health that supported my overall being thriving;
  • Exponential growth in feeling Joy and being creative;
  • Thrived in being able to reflect and learn;
  • Having had a chronic case of "In-flow-enza";
  • Flourished in being open to help and being a helpful spirit.
When I paused and looked at all the life areas from the perspective of 
Having Lived 2016 in a Thriving Energy, 
as if I had already achieved it at December 31st.  


Un-clicks Seatbelt and gets out of the car to a
Huge Celebration!

I plunked down from Exhilaration!


What word gets your engine going for 2016?

Or do you need a word that supports you slowing down, pulling over, being a passenger?  

On December 31, 2016 what word do you want to use to describe your year?

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