
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Creativity is...

When I first saw the picture of Creativity is... it was welcome sign I needed.

First of all, in my opinion, it is a compilation of truths and each phrase was a good shot of the vaccine I needed to quell the overwhelming approach of my Monsters.  

"Monsters" is the term I've been akin to using in my coaching to identify fears, and monsters have been known to morph into what can feel like an omnipresent black cloud.  However I feel that when we are able to identify what feeds the monster and what diminishes it we can begin to take our power back.

Thanks to social media we can choose to be inundated with sage words of wisdom & powerful images of inspiration, its the moment we grasp something that we can carry forward into action that makes the substantial difference in our experience. 

For me, the following motivational words is what prompted me today to get creating some action for myself....

I've been Blessed in my life to have been the recipient of and creator of big life changes.  The best of which is that I regret nothing.  Yes N.O.T.H.I.N.G. Sure there could have been a couple do-over's in choices, but in reflection I'm grateful for everything that life has brought me & taught me about myself and others.

The tricky bit is when you are in the midst of transition, trying to find your feet and NOT doing is easier than doing.  And if I'm not doing "Sherry Things" in "Sherry Style" how is that going to serve my No Regrets record?

Today I'm choosing to keep in my present the phrase "The ability to be able to express yourself freely, in whichever way you choose without having your wings clipped".  

This is my go forward intention to create space!

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