
Sunday, October 20, 2013

a YIN YIN Situation

In the 5 Element image above you can see that every number is exactly the same.

As each element has the value of 24 points, they are all Yin (less than 72) and no Yang (greater than 72).  Therefore each response to the Pop Quiz was with a score of 1 being the least likely.  

Quoting from the previous post Controlling Your Yang Elements 

Is it necessary to balance out my elements? 
Does everything have to be matchy matchy?
The short answer is no, if you are content and feel that all is as it needs to be then hey, keep doing what you are doing.  If you are feeling like you would benefit from moving some energy to feel different or more balanced then the answer would be, yes.

It is not ideal to have equal scores on each of the elements.  It would be difficult to manage that and since life is dynamic we need both Yin and Yang elements in order to keep us moving.

I stand corrected.

The reader indicated that the answers were first instinct choices, in the moment of reading, while taking the quiz.  

My first instinct response is, "You are the most Zen person I've ever come across"

Using myself as an example I would hasten a guess that on any given day my own score results would vary based on what was happening in my present.  However I would safely wager that Fire would be Yang consistently based on my historical data.

My curiosity was piqued so I asked the reader to take a subsequent quiz called the Lifestyle Balance Analysis which asks specific questions to flesh out the Yin and Yang lifestyle influences in your life.  The totals were not dissimilar, Yin 71 & Yang 74 total scores.  

What my intuition keeps coming back to is,"Is it possible their dominant Yin energy can actually be their Yang?"

Perhaps.  And frankly Why Not.

Reviewing the Life Balance results coupled with the Pop Quiz, I'm continually drawn to the consistency of their nature.  Their strong sense of inner, of quiet, of individuality.  Their strength and comfort within themselves and investing in themselves can be feels like pure contentedness.

My observations of these indicators is that their lives and lifestyle supports the cultivation and maintenance of Yin.  The Yang factors:  the outer, the busy, the bright, the fast are filtered, absorbed and reflected back as necessary rather than them being intrusive and overwhelming.  Or seeing the Yang elements as a force to deal with, whereas they accept and respect the Yang without getting caught up in it.

Overall I would interpret these results as a win win or "Yin Yin" situation; the reader has created a nurturing life to live within; letting go of feeling that they are without.  


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