
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Intentional Gratitude

Did you participate in the social media Gratitude Challenge?  Whereas as friend tagged you and you were to post 3 things daily which you were grateful for?  I enjoyed reading the posts on my news feed and participated myself.  Then another friend tagged me and I decided to do things a little differently. 

Rather than posting a daily Gratitude Reflection, I decided to post a Pre-Gratitude Intention.

For the first couple days I wrote my Pre-Gratitude in the morning, and posted what I intended to be grateful for that day such as:

  • Grateful for mindful drivers and safe travel to my destination.
  • Grateful for the ease in accomplishing something.

Fun Fact:   

My success was immediate. Traffic can especially be a nemesis so I was elated that travelling with everyone else on the roads was easy. Plus since I began my day with setting those intentions they were in the forefront of my mind, so my actions followed my thinking.

On the third day I decided to change the format again.  

What if I put my Pre-Gratitude thoughts out there the night before rather than the morning of.  Would that impact or improve how I felt and what transpired?  

Think about this:  If you have ever gone to bed dreading a task or situation set for the next day?  Gone to bed thinking about it, mulling it over, worrying and anticipating the potential level of yuck its going to be?  Potentially having a fitful sleep only to wake up the next morning feeling exhausted and unsettled.  I certainly have.

Suffice to say, setting a Pre-Gratitude Intention before going to bed resulted in my feeling the Opposite of that!  My experience was that it was as effective in results; but I felt a greater connection to the intention.  In my opinion, setting the Gratitude Intention the night before allowed my subconscious mind work out the details.

What can you be Pre-Grateful for tomorrow?  How would it feel to set your intention to be and feel Grateful for something before it even happens?

Feel Free to share in the comments below or on my Facebook page


Anne Omland said...

I love the idea of setting a pre-gratitude intention the night before. Great idea. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

What a clever idea. I like the idea of pre-gratitude. Setting the intentions the night before gives it time to sink in. Going to have to try this.

Sue said...

<3 this

Sherry Trentini said...

Anne, I'd love to hear what your experience is. Feel free to share!

Sherry Trentini said...

Beth, Have fun with it! Feel free to share your experience!

Sherry Trentini said...

Sue, if you give it a try let me know how you make out!