
Monday, December 1, 2014

Toddler Flashback, Fast Forward to Sweet 16

For the last month I've been hanging out with a toddler, whilst her Mom recovers from surgery.  I have been and am fascinated how even though it has been over a dozen years since my youngest was that age, how the things I did then still have merit today.

We have had tea parties, have been reading books, counting fingers and toes, mixing ingredients and singing silly songs at every opportunity.  I'm in awe of this little 19 month old.  I'm in awe of how much she has changed in this month. I'm in awe by how much she has learned and even more so, how much she has taught me.

This has been an ongoing reflection of when my own girls were of that age. Watching them interact with her, laughing, giggling and soaking up her toddler cuteness.  This has prompted many conversations about when they were wee kids and what they used to do, say and be like.  

My favorite question from them was "Did you do that stuff when we were little?" My answer was, "Of course I did!"  This has been an opportunity for all 3 of us to glance back.

Fast forward to my eldest's 16th birthday yesterday.  

Which for all intents and purposes it feels like forever since she was 19 months old.  Even though she can not recall that time in her life as succinctly, as she is observing a toddler now, there have been many times that I have caught myself watching clips of her then in my mind's eye.  Feeling like it was just yesterday. 

Not unlike toddlers, sixteen years olds absorb more of what you give to them than you may know at first glance.   Back then I worried about whether I was doing it "right", whether I should have done it this way or that way.  And the inquiry I've lately, "What would I do different?"

As I Flashback to her toddlerdom to today I'm fascinated by her.  I'm in awe of all that she has learned, how much she has grown.  I'm in awe of all the things she has taught me.  

I know I can get caught up in the moment, at times I don't know which way is up, and if I am doing the right things.  And as each change, opportunity, challenge, bump, scrape and experience happens no matter how old my children are I'm doing the best I can in the moment.  

Being present.  

We all are.

Spending time with a toddler, alongside my teenagers, has offered me the gift of perspective.  Looking back to who I was then and who they were; to who I am now and who my girls are; to who we are all becoming; has been the most exceptional gift.  

I am Grateful! 

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